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Hey all. So, with the more focused plans set for the game and the realization that the Suggestion Box format was perhaps too open-ended and frequent to keep generating new ideas, I decided that I would need to give my Supporting Sites an update with its rewards.

Now rewards related to playing early builds will remain the same, but the other rewards I am going to need to change them with some new rewards. I'll be looking into what I can add and hopefully, they will be just as good if not better than the rewards that I'll be replacing.

Also, it might be good to update the rewards that might interest more people. While funding has been increasing, I would like to try and see if the numbers can grow even more. In a previous post, I mentioned that the biggest challenge that will affect how long it takes for the game to be finished is based on the funding for artwork. Right now, the current funding for the game is just enough for Tsinji (the game art/animator) to be able to do 1-3 art/animations for the game per month. And with the game plan to have over 50-60 artworks (not including cutscenes and sprite animations), you can see this will take a while.

Hopefully, with the updated rewards, and the more focused plan for the game’s development this year, maybe the support for the game will grow rapidly. Of course, I’ll also be looking at updating the supporting site's About page to mention these challenges.


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