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what's up patrons - ENJOY this same day extended cut upload where the true experience of a cold ones video shoot is EXPOSED. 

in the comments bellow, let us know 



drones mad

look at this funny little character





Austin Dongvillo

Good way to spend Tuesday Afternoon


I’m so nervous


Wow the first bit so normal



Brett Ireland

so glad chad found out how babby form


my dick itchy

Samuel W

Have you ever had Canadian Alcohol?

Daan Prinsze

Man I would love to know the aftermath of this.

Nick Fuller

Chad tasting B twice and not tasting A with the chardonnay and bragging how easy it was when he got it right killed me 😭😂



Mya Butler

I’d love to see Max in the Uber home after this

Jonathan Ramirez

Chad, Your 2000 calorie 1500 calorie plan is good if you arent like 150kg. Rn I would suggest 2500 and 2000 clean diet, you will see more healthy weight loss and probably keep it off without having a horrible relationship with food (and beer). Stay healthy man


the prison cooking is fr mfs be on a whole other level, depending on where youre at in the u.s it's not uncommon for a metal bunk to be turned into a flat top grill yk for frying pistol shrimp and whatnot. a lot of state institutions are 3rd world conditions and a good portion of the guards are very easily corrupted, don't care or are in gangs themselves you can 100% get phones on the inside obviously the smaller the easier


Im a munch

Connor New

Man 1 month for this it’s the air Fryer vid all over again

Bananaba Mes

This is just alcoholic good mythical morning with a 3 month wait between each video

Dizzy D



at 35 mins, max drew what us in wisconsin would call a Hodag. very impressive

travis clark

bruh max chugged like half a bottle lol thankfully shit was malibu

weezer fan

u guys fell off


Max can you stop grabbing my cock please


With darcy the videos are too structured, Darcy directs the vids where it's solely focused on sticking to the premise. With Scott he encourages Max & Chad to fuck around while vaguely sticking the premise. It means more random chaotic moments darcy did not pass the vibe check quite frankly he never did me and my gf want him gone


surely write the word for the patreons chad

Jackson Carroll

max was so wasted he couldn’t even makes jokes

Jackson Carroll

nah, Darcy’s chill. max and chad didn’t seem into it and got hammered like immediately lol


Holy fuck it's out at the same time as the YouTube for once LETS GOOO


Nah Darcy is great, I love the differences between them both directing. Plus I'm sure there's content that hasn't been able to be released because they fucked around too much.

Drew Karl

Poor Mr. Ahrns

Top Text

They did surgery on a shrimp

Daniel Monsalve

What a truly awful cold ones episode, maybe one of the worst ones ever. Keep it up.

Chris B

i will now proceed to let you know

steph anie

scott referencing tumblr memes at 1:04:00 fucked me up

Tom Katze

I get what you're saying, but every comedy act needs a straight man, max and chad are both two different flavors of clown, there has to be a sober "normal" guy to bounce the comedy off of.


took u cunts long enough


Flashback to old vid where chad does like 3 shots in a row of absinthe cause he loves it lmaoooo


Never paying my parking tickets again thank you Chard ✅

Big Nut

i love the BTS content i get from the patreon

Aidan Criddle

Look behind Darcy. They have an absurd amount of alcohol.


Chef indeed


mr beast


im on the club on a thursday

Tob Kaa

Hah, crazy to see ya 'creative processes' for real lol. Gotta say i wonder why you still haven't built a bar onto the set - you got all the spirits anyway stored somewhere in the office so why not just build a bar so you'd have even a second "scene" where to interview guests or have some other form of different content-snippets, like apart from the main content or so...? Peace and Love <3

Matt Shaver

Max is so different when he’s not drunk lol


"I prayed that everyone on the team would have a good year" "well it didn't work, Darcy is fucking livid" hahahahahah love you guys


It's true I knew a guy who knew a guy who is a parking inspector. They told me they never investigate one or two fines for someone because it's way more effort and work than what it's worth. They won't get the police involved for just a few hundred dollars or whatever. He told me the same advice just don't pay it because it won't be followed up.


9:40 twitch ban flashbacks... I legit think he's writing the same word. you can see him do the N, then two curves for the Gs.

Lewis Morillas

Your bugatti will be taken if u dont pay those fines chad

Bananaba Mes

The "straight man" always ruins the vibe and tries to get people back on track when the group gets too wacky, which makes viewers dislike them more than usual


i mean if you dont get arrested for it then whats the point ?!

Alex Hayward

the sheer chaos of this vid is great


Chad said to share as much info as I can about my holiday so here you go: I went to Nashville Tennessee to stay with my aunt and uncle and cousin for 5 days to be in a music video for NF but I can’t tell you about that part because I signed an NDA lol. Other than that I had a good breakfast each morning, I went down Boardway to see the bars and such. Went antiquing with my aunt. Had a good pizza one night and fried chicken the other. It was very fun, I showed them your channel one night and we watched like 4 episodes. It was a nice holiday in my book.

Ray J

Pistol shrimp fried rice. please make shirt.

Payton Sherbinski

I have finally caved and subscribed to the patreon. I'm so excited,

cross hair

Mantis shrimp

Aidan Criddle

I literally can only watch their patreon. once you enter you never want to leave


"we're going to give it to the guests and see if they pretend to be drunk" darcy is a MENACE 😭😭


i dont mind if the rules change a billion times it was still fun to watch n props to darcy for finding a way to fool these alcoholics lol

Jesse Stevenson

DARCY APPRECTIATION, mans puts in the work

Liam P

They did suregery on a shramp


where new vid

Pele The Bass

Can yall please do an intro where max and chad both speak with an american accent. Be funni ig idk.


should definitely get Darcy drunk for a video

Joey K

In America, if you don't pay a parking fine they'll pull some bullshit like slash your credit, ban you from all federally owned land, revoke your license, ban you from owning a house, and fine you 10,000x more


Why does Chad look like Ozzymanreviews nephew 😆 🤣


lol haha him in thumnail have big eye!¬!!😆 Circumcision

Alfie W.

Max pls do Rocket leg video


We sell non alcoholic beer at the bar a work at, we don't go through a lot but that's exactly why people buy it, cuz they were alcoholics

Edgar Araujo

Giveeee. Give me da cup

Piss Module

I'm really glad I signed up for the patreon. I much prefer these cuts of the videos. I do understand why so much is cut out for the final youtube cut, but this just feels more natural.


bro chad violated darcy 💀

lindsay T

Someone google shrimp loud sound shrimp

The Drexter

I think this is one of the more fun videos, even if it’s less chaotic compared to some others. Darcy’s idea of tasting a drink and guessing if it is real or not sounds like a really good video, really hope that becomes a reality.




They re called prawns here max

Jeff Loe

In the comments, let us know. Let us know what, cunt? lol




during this holiday (it’s April 26th when i’m watching this) i sat down drinking a non alcoholic gin while watching this.