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This series which feels like a cross between Free! and Run With the Wind has already got my heart in its grip! The ambiance of KyoAni's beautiful animation, the instantly likable variety of characters, and the combination of sports anime tropes and interesting mystery of our protagonist Minato and the Goblin Ki--I mean, this mysterious archer with an owl has me intrigued!

When a series already has me bringing whiteboard-kun out in the first episode, you know it's going to be a fun watch! 

LINK TO REACTION: https://share.vidyard.com/watch/4ns1kuujswn7EjEL5YUrtB?

Thank you for watching with me and the support!


Tsurune: Episode 1 Reaction! THE YOUNG MAN ON THE SHOOTING RANGE!

LINK TO REACTION (starts at 2:58): https://share.vidyard.com/watch/4ns1kuujswn7EjEL5YUrtB? **WHUM-WORTHY HEADPHONE WARNINGS** This series which feels like a cross between Free! and Run With the Wind has already got my heart in its grip! The ambiance of KyoAni's beautiful animation, the instantly likable variety of characters, and the combination of sports anime tropes and interesting mystery of our protagonist Minato and the Goblin Ki--I mean, this mysterious archer with an owl has me intrigued! When a series already has me bringing whiteboard-kun out in the first episode, you know it's going to be a fun watch! Thank you for watching with me and for all the support! Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/RomaniaBlack My Anime: https://myanimelist.net/profile/RomaniaBlack Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/RomaniaBlack You can mail me a letter or anything (except food, please) at this address: Romania Black PO Box 768 Harrisburg, IL 62946 USA


WuXian Suibian

Here are all the VAs & their named characters that we have been introduced to so far. Minato = Uemura Yuuto (aka Thorfinn from Vinland Saga, Atsushi from BSD) Kaito "Kacchan" = Ishikawa Kaito (aka Kageyama from Haikyuu) Nanao = Yano Shougo (aka Mafuyu from Given) Seiya = Ichikawa Aoi Ryouhei = Suzuki Ryouta This one of my comfort anime. I love the slower, summery vibe of it, which is helped with the soft watercolor palette of the art. The music is also really good. Our group of sweet and sometimes chaotic boys.

Anime Annie

I love that in Japanese there's a word for the sound a bow makes when it releases an arrow. But when you know his Mum has died, seeing her being there with Minato when he first learns about Kyuudo it makes that moment so bittersweet. Is it a sport anime without a broody type and a hyperactive/natural airhead type? 🤣 I love Seiya's family's naming of their dog. Kuma (which means Bear) for a Bernese Mountain Dog is just perfect. He's such a floofer! Ryohei is an adorable puppy. Kacchan gives off such cat-like energy. And I love Nanao who helps with Kacchan's somewhat difficult personality. Tommy is such a great teacher/advisor. Yes he pushed Minato into participating, but sometimes a little push is needed. I love that he left it open for Minato to turn up and watch if he didn't want to join the club, and that he was understanding of the extenuating circumstances in Minato's life outside of school that could make being a member of a sport club difficult. Tsurune is the only sport anime I've watched so far with the sport club being mixed. There are some that have an all female team but they're separate from the male main team. What happened to our pure-minded Romania? 🤣 Has the sword innuendo from Tian Guan Ci Fu made you less innocent? In all seriousness I'm unsure if the arrow length thing was Kacchan being innocently oblivious to what he just said and meant to be taken as innuendo, or just meant to be actually about getting the right size gear for each individual. Purple-eyed boy 🥰🥰🥰 Can't wait for you to meet him. Your reaction to our mystery man was fantastic! He truly is beautiful in multiple ways. But whilst I love him if I'd been Minato in that situation I would have screamed my head off when the owl flew over his head. Birds I'm good with if they stay on the ground or stay away from me. If they fly over my head, nope I'm outta there! But yes he's legal so drooling over him is completely safe 🤣 KyoAni want our tears to pay for the water animation in Free! Whether those tears are from happiness, sadness, or because it's so damn beautiful I'm not saying.

Toni simi

Well, Whiteboard-kun came out fast. XD Tsurune's opening is one of my favourites. I love the song and the visual a lot. I like all the characters so much that everytime I watch it I have a different favourite. Minato forgeting his towel, flashback to free, Haru forgetting his towel in season 3 multiple times. XD I like Tommy and that he gave Minato a litte push because sometimes we need that. But he also wasn't too pushy about it. I'm already gonna say, I ship Kaito and Nanao. I really like their dynamic. Your reaction to the mysterious men is so relatable. God, he's so pretty. I really like how that scene kinda felt like a dream. The Soundtrack, the mood, the colours. It gave of a fantasy vibe. I'm really excited to see your reaction to the characters and their story. So the seiyuu list. Minato is voiced by Uemura Yuuto/ Atsushi (bsd) and Jouji (run with the wind). Nanao is voiced by Yano Shougo/ Mafuyu (given). Kaito is voiced by Ishikawa Kaito/ Kageyama (Haikyuu) and Kimizuki (Seraph of the end). Then our mysterious men is voiced by Asanuma Shintaro/ Kuramochi (Diamond no ace) and Ugetsu (given). Wish you a wonderful day!!


I just love that we have Atsushi/Thorfinn back as another protagonist! :) :) I'm going to be curious to see what his voice actor gives in this series, because we know he can do emotion! :) And yes, I have a feeling only two episodes in that this will be my comfort anime as well! <3 Thank you for the information and comment! :)


Oh wow, that is SO true -- I forgot how much Haru forgot his towel throughout Season 3, hahahaha!! I love Tommy; he's the sweetest! And yes, I ship Kaito and Nanao as well -- what a dynamic! :) And yesss, mystery man is dreamy and has a pet owl. WIN. The atmosphere is so lovely in this series! I'm all about it! And the VA list is just crazy! Oooohhh, I forget that Kaito's VA ALSO voices Kimizuki from Seraph! @.@ And ahhh, mystery man having Ugetsu's VA is so interesting; his voice is deeper in this and sounds older than both Kuramochi and Ugetsu....of course, now I'm just picturing him with the "Kuramochi" laugh and I can't! XD Thank you for the comment and kind words! Have a wonderful day, too!


Yeah, I definitely think this series is going to have that "bittersweet" vibe to it! But that should make it interesting, right? Hahaha, of COURSE we'd have a brooding archetype in this! :) Why wouldn't we, eh? At least Nanao seems to be able to handle him! And yes, Kuma is ADORABLE! Speaking of puppies, I love Ryohei as well! He's literally best boy material already! I'm excited to watch a co-ed sports anime, as well! And Tommy-sensei is the sweetest! But HA HA HA -- MXTX has ruined my innocence; I am no longer a sweet summer child! I figured maybe Kaito was just "sizing" Minato up or being just blunt; either way, it was funny! And ahhhhh, I'm excited to meet Mr. Purple Eyes, too! KyoAni accepting payment in the form of tears sounds legit. I am anticipating this series getting to me, but maybe it'll be wholesome like Free! and that's it...I guess we'll see, but yes, Mystery Man is Mysterious and Wonderful already! :) Thanks for the comment!!


It's going to happen. Before this is over, you are going to call Minato "Mei" by accident! I played around with archery way back in elementary school (I think), but when it came to doing something in middle school, I went for playing the violin instead. But Japanese archery, with all its formality, is very different. Minato does come across as kind of cold, if that's the right word. Maybe distant? He's still very much effected by his mother's death, especially given that I agree that his target panic has something to do with his mother's death. All the other characters are fun in their own way, though! Seiya is really nice (and looks really good without his glasses!), Ryohei is so energetic and Nanao is going to be such a troll I feel! As for Kacchan, I already feel he's going to be Minato's rival once he inevitably decides to rejoin the archery club. Oh, and Tommy-sensei is probably going to be a favorite of mine. At first I was thinking like you, that he was going to be a little like Haiji, and was somehow going to blackmail them. Then, I second-guessed myself when he just let Minato leave. But lo-and-behold, he does something sly to get Minato to participate. He's no Haiji, but I underestimated him. And finally, there's the mysterious guy. Seems a lot older; I would say definitely no thigh school age. But I feel he's going to be the one to re-ignite Minato's passion. Anyway, I'm going through this blind too, so I'm hoping it keeps up with this good start!


I'm waiting for that moment, honestly, hahaha! I just can sense it coming! :D Oh wow, I wish I could play violin -- I did archery for PE because I had to, but this is muuuuuch different than what we did! And YES, Minato seems very cold and distant and has some trauma from his mother's death -- I like Seiya and Ryohei is a literal puppy -- Nanao is going to be a troll as well -- and yes, Kaito (Kacchan) giving the inner rivalry vibes SO HARD. I do like Tommy-sensei as well -- that sly old fox! And I agree mystery man is definitely in his twenties -- Thank you for the kind words and comment; it's great with people going in blind, too!