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I always read people unhappy about kdramas and thats fine...but WE DO NOT POST MORE Kdramas THAN animes ...STOP IT...lmao

I only DISCUSS Kdramas in updates more than animes..
Because I only cover 2 kdramas at a time and i put a lot of effort into selecting the "right" one.

I am less selective about anime...because we cover so much...
So I don't talk about it...I just do it and or you see it added to the schedule...

No remarks about Delicous and Ninja Kamaui...just added them...end of story lol..had the room




First off, I have zero interest in kdramas. However, I can't even keep up with every other show posted here right now. Only advice I'd ever give somebody is, force yourself to try something new if any one thing is that much of an obsession. I'm not even saying to go work out, watching a cooking show would be better than being offended that not everything is anime. /rant


Well now that you bring it up, it’s time to start thinking about your next Kdrama? In which direction are you heading, lol? Kidding but also looking forward to what’s ahead.


At this very moment in time. Shop for killers has my attention. AdorkableNerd going away for 2 weeks. Thats an easy squeeze