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Ryuji is still house husband goals


If you eat rice at all lee, get you a rice cooker. I've never lived in a house without one, i don't understand life without one.


i loved this show so much the first time i watched it. it gets so intense and i love how it seems so innocent and light hearted and fluffy. the lite novel is really intense too. this show was the blueprint for shows like horimiya even in the name scheme ^-^ hori-miya is their names mashed together, toradora=tora [toraji] from the word for Tiger in Japanese, and Dora [doragon/dragon] for the japanese pronounciation of dragon. Taiga's name sounds like Tiger, and Ryuji's name means Dragon :)

Alex (edited)

Comment edits

2024-02-10 02:35:51 13:39 that moment, omg i forgot so much of this anime
2024-02-10 02:24:48 13:39 that moment, omg i forgot so much of this anime 23:53 lee making new noises I've never heard on the channel before. Yep, this show is great lol

13:39 that moment, omg i forgot so much of this anime 23:53 lee making new noises I've never heard on the channel before. Yep, this show is great lol


the characters in this show simply planetary. As much violent Taiga is, its just hilarious to see her face expressions and hysterical screaming. Minori just wild af and Takasu trying to survive being the only sane person around. And Kitamura just being chaotic

Anthony Nguyen

Trapped in the storage room is a staple of rom-com anime. It's not a matter of "if" it will happen but "when" it will happen.

Alan Uribe

Nah let's get back to these "cats" lol. "A nosebleed is just your heart sweating".


I wonder if it’s a reference from Finding Nemo, when the birds are near the docks in Australia and they’re all screaming “Mine! Mine!”, hahaha.

Kazuma Sato

Wow, I don't remember Taiga being this damn annoying. She's disrespectful, rude, dirty, incompetent, abusive to Ryuji, and is in love with another guy lmao. She is nothing compared to Kushieda. even physically.

Vik Persson

Seeing her with the bike, Taiga runs on pure rage.