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This was a controversial release for me, I'm still making sure enough people wanna see the reaction to this.

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Why do you think it’s still controversial when the first episode had more likes then some of the stuff you’re watching right now?


I love democracy

AlmaWade 1979

Cuz there were way more people adamantly speaking against it than I've seen in any other series they've released


From what I saw the YouTube comments love it and at seeing how it won its poll on patreon there’s people that like it here as well


Adorkable hit the nail right on the head for what this show is about. Just them being high schoolers and teenagers! You guys laugh so much during this that it would be a real shame to stop watching it now!🤔

Gavin Daniels

As always loving the reaction! Had me smilin the entire video

Elicia Mitchem

I love it!!! Please keep going!


I think the "Sakura is boyfriend material" is because in there's a trope in a lot of East Asian stories where the heroine/female lead jokingly laments that they won't be able to find someone willing to marry them because of some random "flaw" (like not being able to cook) and then the hero/male lead very earnestly says "I'll marry you"

John Ng

Heartache episode 💔 Seeing best girl Sakura doing her best to impress Ishikawa when I already knew she'd lose this battle at the end... 😢


I still want to see more


Yet despite the controversy episode 2 of Horimiya done great on patreon again 🤷🏻‍♂️

AlmaWade 1979

I personally love it and hope the episodes keep coming, but I've read the Patreon comments on the poll and 1st episode. As I've said, never seen so many people outright telling them to watch something else instead.

Saint Vakos

How is this controversial release ?