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Degenerate Sunday continues with an all new "Magical Girls" here on RockLeeChannel!

Daniel Turner

woop woop thats da sound of the police


The FBI necklaces took me out! Great reaction!😂😂

John Ng

I knew Lee and Director are going to have a confused boner during the doctor scene 🤣

Alan Uribe

That Neroalice domain expansion go crazy!

Jared Williams

Kiwi got an express ticket to horny jail


The reason why there's no men is because its part of a trope called cute girls doing cute things. You'd see next to no men or very little of em. Similar and popular examples would be bocchi the rock and k-on,


Kiwi sent to horny jail 🤣


I'm pretty sure there have been no men in here so far

Lazzie Boi

Why the he'll are you here doctor 🤣🤣🤣


here we go again...


Sulfur and Kiwi Supremacy


you are absolutely right about this series showing no men, there is none shown in the manga too.

Neko Chibi

Korisu getting yeeted into Horny Jail is one of my favourite Manga Extras. So glad they included it in the actual episode.


I still dont belive this series was made...HOW IS IT MORE HORNY THAN THE MANGA??!! PS. Love it tho

mitch anderson

I think the voice acting and the sound effects make a HUGE impact. Like the blue haired girl waterfall scene. Actually hearing how wet she is i'm sure has a bigger impact than reading it on a page in black and white lol.

Daniel Borrego

ya im pretty sure this is porn at this point :D


Sexual Healing! It's not Eastern/Western medicine, it's Southern medicine! As in, all the medicine is applied "down South." XD


Actually, you're thinking of Improbably Female Cast or perhaps Chromosome Casting.

TAC Genesis

probably the most entertaining and well written ecchi anime ive ever seen. I could watch multiple seasons of this just based off the plot alone, nudity unrequired. Well Done Author!!!



Kazuma Sato

this has got the be the craziest anime ive seen in my life and ive seen tons.