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mitch anderson

Because of the discussion at the end and what Lakan said a few episodes ago. I think Lakan is MaoMao's biological father.


Y'all got Jinshi with lipstick as the background I'm weak.


Yep, that was the culture. Courtesans/Geisha/etc., weren't just fancy prostitutes. They were literally artists. They were skilled at conversation, various games, instruments, dancing, singing, etc. Men would have to pay to just drink tea or talk with them. Only the richest of the richest of men could afford to take their virginity/make them their wife or mistress.


I'm leaning towards bad? So this high-ranking official (HRO) gets a courtesan pregnant, tanking her value, making her lose her job, and then doesn't even buy her at the discounted price. The kid goes on to become an orphan that is adopted by a poor family relative, sure he teaches her his profession, but she is also exposed to the worst of the Pleasure District. Kidnapped, happens to work at HRO's workplace. Slapped, insulted, and kicked out on her ass by a rival courtesan's staff on multiple occasions. Fired, then rehired at a different department. HRO tiptoes around instead of going to see if it really is his daughter, and further involves her in the deadly and toxic world of palace politics. Exposed to explosives and high-intensity light that is capable of permanent blinding, even if it was at her own direction.

paladar blade

Called it the man was not the father, meaning that strategist with monocle most likely is.


Alright this episode confirmed what I thought—was like 99% sure they mentioned MaoMao's father was a eunuch in a previous episode. Which makes sense considering where he used to work. Coulda been funky timeline stuff, but we got the adoptive confirmation. Love the info dribble in this show.


What we do know is how her dad reacted to her going back to the rear palace. Either Lakan is the biological father or he tricked someone else in the palace into doing it. I was leaning towards it being Lakan but then you try to imagine someone like MaoMao falling for his trick directly, it doesn't fit. The only logical conclusion for me at the moment is that he tricked some other guy into doing the deed. Either he then had the lover killed, or it was someone she couldn't refuse. I know this show won't do it but it would be twisted if it was the Emperor. Edit: I just realised Lakan couldn't have been in the rear palace unless he was also a Eunuch. I love how hard it is to guess exactly whats going on.


It seems too obvious, that was my theory from the moment I saw Lakan but now I'm not sure anymore.


It's been like that pretty globally too. See the Greek distinction of Hetairai vs Pornai for a western example as a comparison. In fact Hetairai generally had MORE rights than the females born in city-states like Athens generally, and were pretty much the only ones permitted to attend Symposium besides male Citizens, because of legalese/regulation loopholes that were worded like "no wife/daughter of an Athenian Citizen may attend Symposium", which technically doesn't apply to Hetairai when 99% of Hetairai would have been immigrants not born in Athens, so technically it's not against the regulation for them to attend, especially since they wouldn't have been smoothbrains like 99% of other females, and could actually comprehend the concepts etc that would be part of dialogue at a gathering like a Symposium


@BarGamer As you can see, Lakan is a fucking weirdo just like Maomao, so I assume he doesn't intervene w/ all the shit Maomao chooses to do, because he'd be mad af too if some asshole did that type of shit to him too if something catches his interest