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crash landing on you ep 13 uncut

Watch "crash landing on you ep 13 uncut" on Streamable.


J Man

I love Ri's squad... North Korean Power Rangers


35:34 I remember a time when Lee and Director was head over heels for this woman. The evolution from episode one 11:07 Lee saying "Ooh, she's so pretty 🥰😍 " to now Lee saying "I really can't stand watching this woman🙄😒 " is very amusing.


Lmaoooo. She sooooo unnecessary evil in this show. I was never given proper motivation other than greed. And there’s nothing in her character that makes her entitled to this so far from a writing point


In the early episodes, I always wondered why Cheol always brought so many men to deal with Ri, even when he was in the hospital. It seemed excessive. I thought that Cheol did it just to show his power, but Cheol was actually being reasonable. He already knew that Ri was an Avenger!


18:47 Yo I just realized this episode was released February 2nd on her birthday. (Same as mine btw)


The ML is physically strong, but he is downright dumb as hell. If it wasn't for plot armor, he would have been dead a long time ago. Wish he was smarter.