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Bullet Train Uncut movie

Watch "Bullet Train Uncut movie" on Streamable.





I know what I’m doing today… watching this!




Funny, White Death’s son played Percy Jackson in the movies. Lemon tells him he’s like Percy from Thomas the tank engine

Anonymous (edited)

Comment edits

2024-02-01 20:56:22 Do reaction to BADLAND HUNTERS!!!!
2024-02-01 20:17:30


Man streamable again >.>

Mikal Adkins

Damn. Justice League lost, huh.

Nonkin (edited)

Comment edits

2024-02-01 21:35:26 Thought this had already been reacted to for some reason
2024-02-01 21:32:39 Thought this had already been reacted to for some reason. . . . . . Also, Tangerine put the vest on him. First time he finds Lemon unconscious, he has a tie on, when it cuts back to them, his tie is gone like he’d just taken it off. The Wolf was completely unrelated to the White Death’s plan. Speaking of, most kills Ladybug did ‘get’ were by using the attacker’s weapon against them (excepting the knife throw near the end)

Thought this had already been reacted to for some reason. . . . . . Also, Tangerine put the vest on him. First time he finds Lemon unconscious, he has a tie on, when it cuts back to them, his tie is gone like he’d just taken it off. The Wolf was completely unrelated to the White Death’s plan. Speaking of, most kills Ladybug did ‘get’ were by using the attacker’s weapon against them (excepting the knife throw near the end)


Very entertaining, thank you for the reaction.


I enjoyes this movie so so much on theaters and watching this reaction was even better! HAHA. I loved this movie!


damn, the post-discussion got cut off

Josh Wright

Tbf I used to hate streamable cuz it wouldn’t let me full screen on my iPad but they’ve changed it and it works now so idm it at all


Thanks for the movie reaction. For my suggestion: The Menu (2022). RT: 107 mins.


The movie's audio got too loud after you unpaused it and it's drowning your guys's voices.


Checked to see if you guys were doing Hazbin Hotel (I get it, Helluva Boss wasn't doing it for you guys near the end) BUT boy was I surprised to see this! I'll take a win when I see one!


Yo, I think these ingredients fit: Lee is the Chicken, cuz he's always checking himself at the door and afraid to go FULL Lee, so to not get cancelled 😉. Adorkable is the watermelon, and Director is the Grits. How did I do? Lol 😆 (Feeling like Nifty when I wrote this... Hazbin Hotel joke.)


YEAH... Audio is FUCKED, but I'll read the context clues to figure out how they're feeling about it lol 😁


YouTubers kept harassing me for not putting up the whole show and I couldn’t cuz monetization got claimed. We just got too much options in media to go down that road so i stopped.

Ernest Mitchell

What happened to the rest of the post discussion?