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Black Hawk

The crime that the girl did was not that big of a deal to be honest with me. It only happened just to show that she can push forward with her life. The girl with the white hair and the cane I hate that chick. The best part of the episode was the end.

Ranginald Vagel

Oooooooh I can’t wait for the upcoming exam the rest of the season is my favorite part of Year 1 in the LN

Mikal Adkins



i love adorkables thought process, she be having big brain thinking like kojis plays in this too. anything can happen and its so much fun seeing your guys reaction to it. i also love how lee was gushing over kushida and as soon as koji said hed expel her his smile instantly went away lol


I think sakayanagi just wanted class b to rebel against ichinose cuz why would they trust all of their points on someone that has shoplifted before, honestly if I was there, I wouldn't care if she had already showed that she is trustworthy, but in Japanese culture I supposed that would not pass.

selina kyle

The crime of stealing in Japan is a serious thing no matter how small it is its worth have a whole town, village or school to bully you and then your parents find out so there disappointed and disappointment in Japan is very serious to kids/adults that it's Japanese people kill themselves because the bullying or your parents disappointment are hard to handle for them Japanese culture is different when it comes to crimes etc that why she breaking down that its a VERY SERIOUS MATTER IN JAPANESE CULTURE.

Anthony Nguyen

Forget the hair clip, even if you are about to starve to death of hunger, it would be better if you just starved to death instead instead of stealing food. If you're a thief, you're a bad and immoral person. You are going to go on to commit more serious crimes. If you would take away somebody's belonging, you aren't far from being able to take away their life. Your parents failed to raise you correctly, so they're utter failures. Your grandparents couldn't teach your parents how to be parents, so they're also utter failures. The fabric of society itself is going to come undone. It would be better you died of starvation and wasn't in the world anymore than for you to live and corrupt it. That's the kind of mindset that everybody in the whole country grows up with. If an average Japanese conservative man around 50 years of age heard you guys joking about how murdering a few people is fine if she's cute, they would literally think you are psychotic and step a few feet away from you. I don't know any other culture in the world glorifies theft the way American culture does.

dani oz

3 take aways from this episode: 1. Spreading malicious rumors bad, waterboarding ok (insert Drake meme template). 2. Kushida best tool out here, no way Koji going to expel her for real. 3. Koji playing Palworld in real life. Breaking them down and then adding them to his arsenal.


32,000 yen is roughly over $200

selina kyle

I wanted to say some of things you were saying but I didn't want to be a rant on there reaction page I just wanted say a few things about Japanese culture so that they knew why she and her parents reacted that way so they understand stealing or other crimes Is a life or death situation for Japanese family lineage


Yall can rant. By now we know this stuff but that’s how we feel about it. So I don’t even have rebutals here.

Neo Don

Yeah Japan doesn’t play on thief like their littering. You will be charged and labeled to the full extent of the law over there if you are caught.


Team Ichinose all the way, fuck this short legged little cunt with the cane. People do dumb shit as kids, Japan or not, if correctly addressed, there is still a path for those kids in future

selina kyle

Yea thanks Lee 😊 I was kinda nervous 😓 saying anything to begin with I didn't want to come out as a asshole 😅 love yall tho never stop making reaction yall make my day easier


Na its fine lol. I would have been bothered a year ago. Lol. Jjk fans toughed me up in the recent season. The more emotional/outspoken i am about something the more likely to get comments like these. It’s basically a rule at this point. So i am prepared for it. But the mother was was horried, they went and bowed for forgiveness, and the theft was the smoking gun plan, and the Ichosone went into depression over it. So its very obvious even without knowing about Japan that its a big big deal for these characters given the context.

Daniel Turner

damn Ayanokji paying alimony without even getting married first

Hiiro Pendragon

Stealing whether a watch, a pin or whatever is a serious crime in Japan, not only legally, but socially. It wouldn't be strange to be fired from your job or ostracized by rumors.


Nahh man poor Ichinose needed somebody to tell her it ain’t a big deal


What kushida ever did to anybody lol Is this man serious