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Edrei Z.

I am grateful that two 10 minute phases took a 20 minute episode to complete. Imagine if this was paced like old school shonen. It'll be an entire season.


Director is never going to get over the Destiny PTSD, lol. I feel it though. And yeah, the show does a great job of showing how you don't need to have literal lives at stake all the time for there to be a sense of drama/pressure. We all know that if they don't win here, they're not getting another shot for a looooong time, potential never. It's just a very well-animated show with fun characters, solid music, and an interesting premise. I am kind of interested in where the show does go in the future though. I don't think it needs an amazing 10/10 story to still be interesting, but all of these little story beats they keep planting and then moving on from have to payoff big at some point in the future.

John Ng

This episode does a very great job making us feel like we’re watching a Souls Gameplay. It just gave us on the edge of the seat feel watching the episode. Knowing what I know from the manga, next episode is going to be peak fighting with Wazaemon (this is the actual name in manga) too.


the fight felt so long in the manga i expected it to take an episode per phase, but this is fantastic pacing


26:56 That's some thick Holy water! We sure that's not Anna's Love Nectar from Shimoneta?

Richie Roberts

This is not a boss you beat. This feels like a boss you survive. There are some bosses in games where that is the win condition. This feels like one of those.

Alan Uribe

Actual peak gaming series.


I dont care what manga says so manga readers dont correct me...but this looks more like there was a legit way of surviving the phase3 aoe...my bets are either on silence effect/hiding behind the tree or directly at grave/ending phase 2 at one end of the room and getting the hell away to the other end to outrange it, BUT by dropping this Uber holy water it just did so much damage phase 3 was skipped and Boss went directly to phase 4

Ernest Mitchell

Director I feel you on the “cheese” strats, I remember people used to only do Vault of Glass by pushing Athion off the map. Lol