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“No You don’t understand” I became What I hate With This Post Ichikawa Dangers In My Heart


J Man

the "language of love" is also something different from the 1st party to the 3rd party. A 3rd party can easily critique a romance and see the flaws clearly, but when you're seeing things as the 1st person, the view is completely different due to the huge mix of emotions floating around.


Lol I feel like this video was made as a response to my last comment on the recent Dangers video, it may not have been just fits perfectly lol. Gotta say though it did make it all make a lot more sense to me when put that way. I thought the dude was just one dense MF but the Jennifer Lopez comparison honestly made it all make sense 100%


It’s a few people ha ha. But one more thing as you observed the show. He’s a fairly smart guy at understanding other people and their situations when he is not involved in it Anytime the answer involves him at a higher value than he has placed on himself he typically comes up with the wrong answer


Agreed for example he may not even see the subtle face expression she makes for the viewer to see. Lol.