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BarGamer (edited)

Comment edits

2024-01-29 05:03:56 I haven't seen such adorable monster babies since Kokobu/Konmage/Topknot-chan since Slime. Crypto is a Ponzi scheme. Don't fall for that BS. I got 18 carrots. Gold? Naw, veggies. XP
2024-01-29 04:49:35 I haven't seen such adorable monster babies since Kokobu/Konmage/Topknot-chan from Slime. Crypto is a Ponzi scheme. Don't fall for that BS. I got 18 carrots. Gold? Naw, veggies. XP

I haven't seen such adorable monster babies since Kokobu/Konmage/Topknot-chan from Slime. Crypto is a Ponzi scheme. Don't fall for that BS. I got 18 carrots. Gold? Naw, veggies. XP


Is it me or was Marcille prettier this episode than usual? She is in the running for best girl this season for sure, imo.


They mentioned in ep 1 that the humans who stay deep underground tend to be wanted criminals who can't return to the surface

Mak V

His editors probably want crypto to evade taxes. Lee should pay them 20-30% less then.

Mak V

Fanservice. When it comes to eating, they always focus on her.


I am already getting the savings actually but the primary reason is to guard against inflation. When i pay in dollars it is instantly converted into their currency over seas and the value plummets due their economic conditions and monetary policies. By A receiving in crypto they essentially protect their money against a failed government


Their national currency is less valuable and less stable than crypto? Feels bad, man.


Damn they wiped out that whole bar lol