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Sne Msomi

The underworld isn’t hell , it’s the realm of the dead . In the underworld you have heaven(Elysium) and hell (Tartarus) . The theft always had 3 parts , the big bad ( which we thought was hades) , ares ( which we found didn’t only protect the thief however participated) then there’s the thief who actually stole it ( clarisse) .

Gavin Daniels

Let’s go y’all are caught up now!

Toan Greenlow

I'll admit I wasn't the biggest fan of Hades. In the book he wasn't evil but he was definitely bitter and jaded, basically demanding Percy to give back his helmet. Even throughout the rest of the books it took awhile for Hades to be a stand up guy

Donovan Kagy

Are they waiting to watch reacher till after this?


“Like Crusty the Clown?” from the Simpsons came to my mind exactly when Director said “the Clown”