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Roronoa Zoro

Funny enough the VA’s for sunraku and emul are now married. So what emul said at the 12:00 mark can be understood multiple ways 😂😂


It would be interesting if that necklace actually has a part in beating him

Heavenly Demonic Emperor

Right just send dat messages and gon do some cleaning real quick and hope for the best 😂😂

Black Hawk

Lmfao love the intro


Not that my night was bad, but Lee jamming out to the opening made it so much better 🤣 thanks!-


The way you guys talked during the reaction just sums up the series so far. It's just a lot of fun to watch, especially the big boss battles. They did just a great job of hyping up this fight.


Love all of the Sunraku & Emul scenes, knowing that the two are married IRL. They must have had a blast when Sunraku was going all "My old lady" and Emul going "I'm the only one who can ride on top of Sunraku!" :D


Positive energy does a lot for people like me. These reactions are peak


Its always one of you three that end up just completely erasing something already told and have to be told by the other one or two of you that its already known and it isn't something new. Works pretty well that way. Lee tends to be a little slow, adorkable tends to sometimes be in her own little universe, and director tends to mix things up. So one of you ends up pulling through with the correct stuff so that is good.


Still havent touched grass or got therapy it seems. unfortunate


Why you acting like I am the bad guy? I was just pointing those things out. Not hating on them. lmao


oh its one of those comments where I can come off as irritating. I see.