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30:20 LMAOO I love how Lee just paused for a second. But yeah, sis looks mad cool, can't wait to see more of her.


2:05 Did I just hear DN mention some Steven Universe? A true man of culture


I know I said this anime has Step on me energy, but damn did they prove it this episode! 😂


"thats a cancelble statement" thats an iconic line

John Ng

Disclaimer: This Episode Is Produced And Brought To You By Yaboyrocklee Foot Fetish Association 😏


I feel like I'd be a different person when this show ends... lord have mercy


Lee being jealous that the mc is getting them FEET in his face xD

Daniel Turner

someone check the credits, are we sure lee didn't help direct this ep

Crowne Pri

2:00 oedipus complex is real with this one


Been watching a LOT of shows with ya Lee, this might be one of the most "anime moments" of your career!

The Law_v1001

Haven't even started the reaction saw the thumbnail and was like o yeah this is definitely a Lee episode. 🤣

Black Hawk

This is the best foot action I have ever seen in the anime LOL


While I was admiring this episode in the back of my mind I was like "yeah Lee gonna reallllyyyy like this episode" lol. Although getting my dick stepped on is a little out of my territory I can at least understand how that is sexy. I had surgery on my testicles before and you would not believe how bad your testicles can hurt if messed with enough. So I will never allow something like that. Although I am degenerate enough to understand and be happy with all of it.


I'm not gonna lie though so far his big sister is looking like the best snacc out of them all. Love the main girl design and the stuff going on with the blonde biggie smalls girl but that sister looking a little too up my alley.


As a tomboy lover I highly value this anime and the peak waifus it offers. I'll pass on the loli stuff though. The FBI can handle those types of people.

Anthony Nguyen

15:08 "kore wa..." literally means "this is..." Just like in English. Imagine a detective looking at a bloodstain on the ground, with a pensive look on his face. "Very curious... This is..." He mutters. before taking off from the scene. His assistant chases him from behind, "This is... WHAT, what did you figure out!?" He exclaims, but he is met with only silence from his boss.