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This really inspires you to game, in particular getting back into a souls type game. Hopefully it does the same for gamer boi Lee

UltrA_ Ojisan

Take a shot every time Adorkable says "these people" lol

Brian Carotenuto

Just start watching the episode so this is gonna be my first comment cause I only at 4:25 and I'm laughing my ass off because lee jumps when the bass kicks🤣

Brian Carotenuto

In your end discussion at 25:40 when director was talking about a time limit for the PKs that remind me of sword of online when Kirito was facing the orange guild and he said the same thing that he wouldn't mind killing her and playing as a player killer for illuminate time.

Black Hawk

Time stamp 10:24 "what's DP?"🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣😇😇🤣🤣🤣🤣

Black Hawk

Welcome fam,it was too funny not to mention. The high-five was hilarious


24:26 lmao the way you and Director looked at Adorkable when she said that... priceless

selina kyle

Yoooo that op is 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

Crowne Pri

Hahaha Double Punch is elite

Roronoa Zoro

Lmao it’s funny how the vid we were talking about earlier was relevant during the post discussion


Yeah, that was hilarious! That has got to make it to YT lol The Dap was on point!

Brian Carotenuto

Yes, I can't tell which one I like better. The first OP or the second, but they both hit.


Deam, the new OP is METAL AS FUCK! I LOVE IT! Definitly somewhere in my top 10 openings, dunno how high tho, it's too fresh to give proper ranking


24:23 "There is nothing wrong with killing these people". Rejoice! The grand return of our evil Queen Adarkable!

Sharles Davis Kendy

I think doing this big fight on the night of the update is gonna bite them in the ass. Big updates usually come with balance changes...


Around the 14:00 minute mark when it was mentioned about the VA's flirting, it's quite possible because those two actually are together as a couple. I believe it was announced a couple weeks ago that they were getting married.


Uhhh hold up. I am late but I did not say it came out before I was born. I was born on the year 2000. I am about to turn 24 sir.


if you gonna reference my comment at least get it right. Old man lee.

Ernest Mitchell

@4:25 makes for the best screenshot lol

Ernest Mitchell

@10:18 Adorkable: "Whats DP" Me: Dragon Punch!