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mitch anderson

Almost time for Toradora. Then after that to keep with the highschool romance it should probably be Your Lie in April


Man… he let best girl go 😭

Black Hawk

"4 year's" 😂

R'ja Norr

2:27 Adorkable's new nickname will be Soul Crusher. Poor Director, I have not seen a verbal fact assault that bluntly brutal since the anime Servant x Service.


I heard yall mention the ova. Did yall react to it? I dont see it in the collections or when I search it up.


No. We don’t typically react to ovas as so much of our audience skips it after using recording time


Damn, thats too bad. Will the movie be reacted to? Sorry for asking a lot of question. Im new a patreon member.


Movie is equivalent to a season 3 with a finale. So yes. Its cool to ask questions n i often dont have time to answer. I hope you understand that too 🙏🏽