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Worst Of Evil ep 11 uncut

Watch "Worst Of Evil ep 11 uncut" on Streamable.



I get he should take accountability but Junmo’s right though. They pushed him to that point. Not only the cops but also the gangsters too. The moment he went undercover it’s no way to get out until you finish the investigation. Everything just kept going wrong and more people kept getting involved making things more complicated. If his wife wasn’t involved in danger he would’ve never inherited this gangster persona fully.

Bran Bran

Director hit the nail on the head when he said "She is till wearing that necklace." Why is she wearing it even when she is not with him. An assignment is an assignment, you don't bring it home. Now you are on the roof acting concerned for your husband while wearing the necklace given to you by another man who says he loves you. Its too much and Joonmo sees it. She has brought nothing to this investigation. If anything she has ruined it by becoming Gicheul's love interest, which in turn, made him start to move behind the scenes to get ready to leave the life. This caused distrust throughout his gang and now we are here. Joonmo is constantly cleaning up her mess. I'm glad you guys got to see that Gicheul is a good guy who has a goal. Im just pissed at how stupid he is with his business. He kicks people out but never changes the locks or safe code. He has cops busting in to his business destroying it but never change your headquarter's location. Its like he is screaming "We are here come ruin us."


Ji Chang Wook is such a goated actor, seeing him be like this in this show, and then seeing him be the cute and caring bf in a currently airing romance is so wild 😂