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Percy Jackson ep 4 uncut

Watch "Percy Jackson ep 4 uncut" on Streamable.


Samke Dladla

Lol, as someone who doesn't really remember much from the movie. Some of the commentary definitely spoiled it but that's ok.


I apologize, was the spoiling commentary in this video too? I thought it was just episode one and two and we stopped. If we kept doing it without realizing I’m really really sorry

Gavin Daniels

I’m loving the reactions! Especially how much Lee is enjoying Percy’s character. Percy is definitely one of my personal top favorite fictional characters ever


He’s so logical and intriguing. The Actor is great. He has the traits of a coward who would avoid danger when its not necessary for him. (Which is just plain smart) But whenever its about protecting his loved ones/friends and his own safety. There is no Hesitation. So he’s fairly brave and will fight with everything he has. The contrast in character working side by side enhances him so much. He really mastered playing CHILD. WHO just found out hes a god. So he doesn’t have the ego but has the ability. His mother raised a good family man. But also didn’t raise a bitch. It’s perfect execution that I didn’t feel from the movies.

William Tippen

Where did they get that every child has tried inhaling water? 😂😂