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I'm not sure if this makes it any better but the money he gave was his since there is a groom's side where there's money put in for the groom's family and vice versa for the bride's side/family

Bran Bran

When i first watched this series, I view it from someone who was very eager to watch it. In watching it this second go around, I realize there was so much I missed. YJ (wife) has autonamy to see Gicheul whenever she wants to. She was only told to call him often which leads me to the fight scene. When Joonmo saw her in that hall, that head tilt said everything like "What the F are you doing here?" He could have avoided killing so severely if he did not have to protect her on top of saving Gicheul. At the end of the fight scene her looking at him should have made her see that she did that to him. He confirmed it by saying "I had someone to protect." If its her assignment, then call him often and see him very little. Instead, she does the opposite. She wants to see and know everything not taking into consideration how it will affect the plans Joonmo has in place.