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LMAO...I dunno if this show will get good good, but i always look for a way to connect with the show and found the connection on this episode, it around here we end up really liking a show...lets see what happens

Synchronization FOOOOOD DEVOUR...........ON!

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You bet it will. At the moment, we are still at the appetizers, main course will come soon 😄


In this instance, Chilchak was being a bit heavy handed with complaining, because his work is something he’s towards the extreme end of caring about. He’s effectively a parent gripping the Jesus handle after a pothole got hit. His ire makes sense, but he’s usually more even/level-headed about it.


just to let you know Lee, I like the unrelated discussions in reaction videos


unrelated discussions are part of why I pay for this patreon. They are fun to listen to

Daniel Turner

lee the basilisk from impel down in one piece


I kind of like the dynamic of the elf being a bit more haute than the others. It makes it more close to how elves act in fantasy movies and playing D&D. Same with the halfling and dwarf. You can tell the mangaka is either a player or did their research. 🤓


Intro: Kevin Hart WAS more relatable when he was writing his own jokes. But as he became more of an actor and had other people writing his jokes, he became less and less relatable to the masses. Some narcissists will try to say that because he's no longer funny TO THEM, he was never funny, but they're just trying to protect their castles built on a foundation of sand. 23:15 As a DND player, you come across people who have low Int, and don't remember where exactly you've stepped, where you've disarmed, or just weren't paying attention, etc. Thus, you carry a piece of chalk, and mark simple pictograms or Thief's Sign. If all Dungeon Delvers did this, you clear the way for future parties, and everyone benefits.

Big Duval

Lol you guys can drop this if you want. Roshi dropped it and he never drop shows


Lol. Yea but typically I watch more isekai/fantasy then him. Its not a shocker he dropped it. He still aint give Danmachi a chance or Goblin Slayer.

Ed Hwang

I need to get some oxtail.


Chilchuk is essentially a halfling.