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selina kyle

Anna senpai is unhinged


My mind was blown because here in Mexico its the most common thing and also delivery regulations say that "Deliveries always have to knock the door/doorbell and wait for you or the person to pick it up, even on sundays or holidays"


6:19 yo Lee, that mightve been too much info


12:10 Wait, "Somen Tenga", lmao, I just caught that sign for the first time.


You both went in on that poor delivery person. I would be happy they gave the courtesy to ring the bell for a dropoff. They having to deliver shit and put up with the people they work for and its this time of the year where deliveries are generally happening a lot more with new years and christmas returns etc.... I know you guys were just joking but sheesshhhh


6:15 Lee speaking from experience????

Anthony Nguyen

All the shipping services, Amazon, FedEx, UPS ring the doorbell all the time in my neighborhood, other than the regular USPS mail.


Anna in this show inflicts the extreme emotions in us men. Damn she is the best in this show.


Hilarious reaction. 😂