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WIN pickup! May not look like it now, but this series is on par with Frieren in terms of storytelling within the Fatansy genre. Can't wait! 😁😁😁




Oh we eating gooooodddd boys


HELL YEAAAAH, watching this in the morning


Wait you guys will continue to react to the series? It's not on the schedule, not even the MAYBE (lol). Sorry if it's annoying to ask


Yessss!!! As a fan of the manga lemme tell you it's gonna get wild


This show seems really good so far, I want to see where this will go.,


Awesome choice! This show feels like it will be great. I hope you guys also react to Ishura this season if y'all want a dark anime to react to.


As a manga reader just gonna say this is some good shit


This one was a surprising delight


Saw it described an interesting way earlier, effectively Marcille’s dealing with people willing to make consumable dishes out of broken needles and drugs. No one “in their right mind” would normally think to cook their way through a dungeon of monsters, using the monsters for ingredients. Senshi’s been at this for years, and Laios is using the unfortunate opportunity of their low funds to justify doing so.

Anthony Nguyen

27:08 Lee, you were thinking about a "CAST IRON" Pan


I got to see the first two episodes at Anime NYC and listen to the creator talk about their inspiration for it and Director is not that far off calling him Dungeon Ramsey, but think more of the guy who says BAM all the time when he cooks. 😉


All I can say is that the German dub version of the elf girl is amazingly funny.

Nicholas Castillo

I just discovered this show watched all 17 episodes so far my girl introduced me to it. Excited to see what y’all think. I loved when Director was talking about how he was going to eat a dragon