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Disclaimer, the 1st 2 reactions included commentary from the perspective of people who have seen the movies in the past and it wasn't until episode 2 did it dawn on me...that some people are gonna be watching this for the first time with us...SO you should watch the first 2 episodes before watching this reaction.  We discussed information that was revealed in episode 1 and 2.

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percy jackson ep 1 uncut

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WTF MC's voice doesn't fit the face at all, is that just me? Also I always imagined the pen would be a full-metal type of fountain pen looks wise, not w/e plastic shit that is


hes a teenage boy going thru puberty hes gonna have a weirdish voice


so glad yall started this. i love the books sm theyre amazing


Have fun, will skip myself this as the movies really weren't for me personally that good. Too old and enjoy different style of fantasy stories.

Sne Msomi

I absolutely love that they stuck to the books and made Percy 12 instead of aging him up like the movies . I have multiple reasons for that however one them is his feats are just so much cooler and impressive if he younger 😂. Excited for more , 5th one just dropped so I’m going to watch that 😁.


I'm sure the series will explain about the mother, if it gets far enough.

Randy Cooper

I'm enjoying the series but I'm confused when I hear how bad the movies were and this is so much more like the books. For someone who hasn't read the books and only seen the movies, which I also enjoyed, this almost seems identical to the movies to me. I dont see very much that's different. 🤷‍♂️ Anyways, time to enjoy the reaction.....

Sne Msomi

Well the books span 4 years and he has to turn 16 at the end of it, whereas he was 16 at the beginning of the movie which changes the entire plot . Plus the personality changes of the characters.

Toan Greenlow

Definitely has a lot different from the books but so far it's not bad; the first 3 episodes are the "worst" but honestly it's not TERRIBLE. In fact it's pretty solid


The guy playing Percy looks like a young norman bates from bates motel.