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Thanks for the upload! First new OP Episode of the year!

Trayvon Brown

Should watch the opening bro, F people telling you not to, it's part of the experience.


Mr 2 is alive. This was confirmed in cover stories plus he made an appearance at the end of film red.


25:50 Usopp with the next-level Observation Haki! I wonder if this counts as a Feat?


I'd say watch the opening. People in the comments do not understand that people want to experience their media in different ways then they did. I even saw similar comments under Demon Slayer reactions when that was airing, when that opening was relatively spoiler free. It is just manga fans pushing their ideals onto you.


Bonney was in disguise at the reverie. She, like the revolutionary army, was there to save Kuma. She started to cry when she saw him.


Looks like y'all need to watch the Reverie episodes again. (I haven't finished the reaction though.) Bonney was at the Reverie disguised as an old lady. She saw Kuma being ridden as a slave. We saw who sits on the throne. They showed the dark figure again in this episode. The 5 elders spoke their name and kneeled to them at the end of the Reverie arc. They are called Imu. Imu was the one looking at the giant straw hat.


Speaking of Mr 2, it just hit me why CDs have those chips inside em (other than for GPS reasons of course), so none of the losers can impersonate a CD w/ Mane Mane no Mi, because I don't think the DF can actually imitate the chip implant that a CD would have for ID etc purposes


100% been saying this. the people who tell them not to watch cause of spoilers are just dumb cause they dont even knitpick like some reactors. plus the song is fire

Ernest Mitchell

Do a poll for watching the opening. As a manga reader, the opening shows a lot but if you don't know what you are looking for then you wont be spoiled. Its just like Gear 5 in Film Red. The clips are half a second and unless you know what you are looking at then it means nothing but hype. I say watch it but at the very least do a poll.

Ernest Mitchell

New episodes of One Piece will now be dropping on Netflix as well as Crunchyroll. So if cruchyroll ever crashes in the future then you have another site to use. Huge W for anime fans.


Lee is cooking with his theory and I will say this arc will provide ingredients for a 🔥meal.


Another thing to add to your theory of joyboy being a giant is that on government orders Caesar on punk-hazard was experimenting on children to make them giant. Also we know luffy can turn giant whenever he’s in gear 5.


The soundtrack playing during the country disappearing scene is so evil. I don't think they've used that soundtrack before and it's awesome. Def worth another listen @ 15:40

Neo Don

All The kings apart world government all sit equal, that’s why the throne is empty. Anyone who supposedly sits on the empty throne rules over everyone which would cause major problems in this current power status. This was all explained with Sabo’s actual brother seeing the throne.

Neo Don

Also don’t react to the Opening, it’s one of the best but damn it’s a lot.

Mr Evol

I sort of like the spoilers honestly. Sure, I know Character X is showing up, but why? How? What's going on? It just gives me more to be hype for.

Kwame James

They can't watch the opening it 100% shows a lot of things that happen in this Arc it happens fast but it's crazy spoilers in it


From what I remember, Caesar was actually doing giant experiments for Big Mom, not the government. Remember she kidnapped him because she gave him a ton of money for research and never delivered. The government didn't know he was on that island, it should have been empty after Akainu and Aokijjs battle destroyed it


first of all Be well prepared for this new arc its bonkers Second let me give you a spoiler free bonney activities 1. She is form the worst generation. 2. She stop zoro from killing clestial dragon. 3. She was upset and crying after watching marineford war and chase after blackbeard for unknown reason. 4.Blackbeard capture her but left her chained in a island when they saw akainu coming. 5. Akainu Said whe see saw bonney"It make me siver when i heard you escaped from world government" . 6. She somehow dint get captured and showed in revire used her devil fruit to turn into old lady who supposed to be current queen of Sorbet kingdom and we also get to know in revire that kuma was previous king of sorbet kingdom implying kuma and bonney related someway. Oh yes she was so angry that kuma turn up like a slave in mariejoe.

Josh Wright

U should definitely at least listen to the op. I watched it and idk if I was just being very absent minded or not but I didn’t pick up on anything

David Lohnicky

Did yuh just skipped the new Opening my fam? almost no look skip. savage Lee :D


It’s ok Lee you can watch the opening even tho it spoils you do not know what’s going on it will just add context to everything happening months from now


I think it's fine watching the intro at least once, especially in at the beginning of the arc. It gets you hyped for what's to come and the real story spoiler have no context unless you've read the manga.


Fuck that haters. Watch it 😎🫡


You should totally watch the ending!! Your definitely fine when it comes to all the people who freak out about spoilers in openings and endings. The ending is good go watch