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op is fire as fuck

Nicholas Castillo

Did y’all react to season 1???? I didn’t find it


Creepy Nuts also did OP and ED from Call of the nights.


he didn't swallow it it jumped in his mouth to try and take control

Roronoa Zoro

18:25 director made the same joke sherm did during his reaction. Both called the flame cane a Candy cane 😂😂


More OP need Drill as an inspiration. 3 seconds in, immediate heat!


Are we getting the other two drops tonight?


This shitty video player is constantly going back and forth between good quality and trash quality. Its so bad at certain points I can't even see the subtitles. It is the video player cause I am refreshing and its doing it in the same exact spots of the video. I guess I need to try a different browser.... -_-


Creepy Nuts was spitting while making this OP!


this will be the weekly op jam replacing apothecary diaries

selina kyle

Op is fucking fire 🔥