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Black Hawk

Time stamp 28:38 adorablenerd & yaboyrocklee head tilt at the same time lol


To clarify Stark isn't stronger than Eisen. Eisen was scared meaning that he is powerful enough to scare him like other certain enemies have done in the past. Eisen is still quite stronger than him and even clarified it in a past episode in a flashback. Stark is overpowered in his own class and compared to most people he is above them. Eisen is part of the hero party though. He is in the top tier party that defeated the demon king. Eisen is still stronger than stark. His older age probably made him more weak on top of that so he is most likely even stronger when he was younger. I will expect stark given some time to at least come somewhat close to how powerful Eisen was as a warrior but he still isn't at that point. Adorkable seems to have misunderstood that based on what she said at the end.


I was caught off guard seeing sein leave so quickly when I read this in the manga but I think it fits. It reinforces that this is the type of thing that takes place in a time like this. It shouldn't be overly extra with the departure but they make a point to show how important that time was to sein and the other 3 of them instead of making it sappy and drawn out. I appreciate that more than anything. It isn't the usual thing you would see in an anime in my opinion.

Lotus Gramarye

It feels like the past couple generations of people have been majority "none/not-so-much emotional support growing up" for the most part. Something about our modern culture(s) and the idea that giving your child love and support is somehow failing them, leading to what are essentially strange responses towards certain behaviors. Which is what the show covered this episode. Fern did not have the best life prior to Heiter going off of what we know about her, and while Heiter was very caring he doesn't seem like he'd be the most openly praising/affectionate kind of parent, and that's even more true with Frieren who was essentially Fern's second parent.


If Himmel would talk 50% less, I swear he would have gotten with Frieren 😂


The ED was the second half of the same song from the first ED


Now that I watched the ED more carefully it looks like Frieren was sad/lost when Himmel died and her new "life" began after meeting Fern and I guess we see trying her best to connect with Fern (her running around with the hair ornament) after not doing much stuff with Himmel. The ED's visuals I guess are symbolizing the "birth" of Frieren's new life. Side note: I can't imagine how sad Frieren will be when her daughter dies before her of old age, that would suck


Yeah Fern is difficult, but I always remember her mother figure has been Frieren. So her behaving like that is very reasonable, having a adult figure that behaves like Frieren would make any child twisted.