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Black Hawk

Time stamp 5:18 she gets wet with sprinkler. The details 😂

Black Hawk

Man fuck it Time Stamp the whole episode 😂


I stick with the original in terms of which girl I would want the most. I like a girl who is tomboyish but still feminine and lovable. The type who throws pots and pans at me for getting upset but gives me hella passionate love that same night. (maybe not as violent as the pots and pans I don't wanna end up with a concussion). I can never actually be picky and choosy in real life but that type of thing aligns with my fantasy. Also I am a big tits lover and I would 100% take the short stack girl any time and be grateful for it but I like slightly more slim built figures with nice big boobs and a shapely bubble butt. Its like comparing your number one favorite food to the runner up. I would be more than happy either way but I just prefer the original teacher.


3:15 how the hell did Lee take director's tan line fetish discussion straight back to feet xD

Kevin Baker

Gushing Over Magical Girls would be a great replacement that just started airing, although the eps are full length. The thirsty animators worked just as hard as this show's did. https://myanimelist.net/anime/54722/Mahou_Shoujo_ni_Akogarete


another one would be chained soldier has person who made kill la kill so that means a esdeath


Chained Soldier would be fine , but 'Gushing over Magical Girls reeeeally wouldn't be their style and is something I'd rather not see a reaction for

Kevin Baker

That'd be fine with me too, although are you aware they reacted to Redo of Healer?


Its not about the show having shocking content, it's about the show not being for them, or for me for the matter. Like we know what they are into (they let loose on this show especially) and Gushing doesn't have that or good animation or story

Kevin Baker

Hard disagree. It's an echi comparable to this (with the uncensored version), and is also funny due to the S tendencies of the fmc. Chained's echi is really spaced out compared to this, going by ep1 for both. Also my original comment wasn't meant for you, so "the show is not meant for me" is really "I'm the MC" arguing, which is ridiculous. Let them decide for themselves.


+1_vote_for_Gushing Over Magical Girls


A couple things. This was picked up only cuz its 12 minutes. Easy to record when we finished a recording and only had 20ish minutes before adorkable arrived. So once you suggest a normal run time show, it goes into competition with all the rest and the magical girl show wouldn’t be a pick over bungo stray dogs or monster girls if we did more degeneracy. Lol. Plus based on the art work. Subaru is right. I generally like when people speak up for us. He knows what we like and is trying to protect our time. We are currently excited about a bunch of milfs. Well drawn and animated. The magic girl show aint it


We turned down date a live and girls un panzer because there is a certain aesthetic we avoid. The characters look small and are lolis. Which is cool but with all the options we have prefer different drawing styles

Kevin Baker

That's perfectly fine, and thank you Lee for taking the time to explain your view on it.


Lmaooo gotta agree with director about the tan line thing, I can't explain what it is but once I saw it I knew