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Tazell Pouncey

4:25 Director Mean muggin 💀

Brian Carotenuto

Couple things first I agree with adorable sorry director but spiders so cute. And if I was allowed to have one when I was growing up. I would've second Lee. You're correct in log. Hoeisen, the people of the land if they did pass away, they weren't coming back so yes. There are higher stakes now. GTA is the ultimate stress reliever. I cannot tell you. How many times I would have a bad day at work? Go home put in GTA take a couple hits off the pipe or the bong. Whichever one I want it and then i would just go to town. Murdering people or picking up hoes and then murdering them when I was done.


Pencilgon is a whooole ass villain bruh😂

Richie Roberts

It's reverse SAO. Instead of the player it's the NPC.

Brian Carotenuto

Watching for the second time and then I realized when he was talking about the spider web not being sticky. I think the reason he knows that is because his mom studies bugs.


When you guys gonna to watch part 2 of dead mount death play?


I don't know if y'all saw this, but apparently the voice actress for Emul and the voice actor for Sunraku are getting married.

John Ng

Lol never thought I'd get a shoutout at the last minute 😂 The series is really hyping up the fight with Wezaemon. That's actually his correct name. Somehow the anime translator choose to translated it to Wethermon. Just a heads up about his name. From this point on you'll be hearing/seeing a lot of people comments about his name. Especially after you posted on YouTube.


Didn't they just get done clowning on it in the prediscussion portion lol


lee this is gonna be 24 episodes so episode ten with the stakes raised is like episode 5 on a 12 episode anime LOL

Ryu Maroku

He doesn't need her player name if he connects Psyger-0 with Saiga Rei. Rei means zero in Nihongo. And Saiga sounds likes Psyger if you say it with an accent.


I'm so glad Lee is feeling the show, I was worried it might get dropped for a second!


3:23 Lee that was too funny lol Adorkable finally understood at that moment


How they Clowning it when he said it's looks good and have Decent characters You don't make sense


Lmao. I would have missed it thanks lmaoooo. I dunno how she doesn’t get it sometimes lol


There is nuance. LC understands but I wouldn’t have used the word “clowning” as we stayed respectful. It looks good and has decent characters yet wasn’t as interesting or fun as this show. Thus there hasn’t been a rush to watch it. I don’t know when we will given the choices of shows we always have. I keep going for the most entertaining option available at any given time