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Tazell Pouncey

I feel bad for Director, but thanks for the laugh this episode 😂


Shangri La is here!


cant wait for the next episode, director gonna send me to an early grave bro, I was wheezing. It's a shame that some people spoil stuff for you guys, I was so confused as to why you just broke out laughing and I realized what was up but regardless still a shame that peeps these days don't know how to behave. I was confused when you reuploaded that reaction to jjk and I read your comment saying that the original was filled with spoilers. I saw some jjk spoilers back in 2022 and ever since then I've been keeping up with the manga just so I don't get spoiled. I think the more popular a series gets the more immature people accumulate in the fanbase as well. Nonetheless, thanks for the reaction.

Crowne Pri

I agree with Dnasty on the step by step quests...you better give me something good son!


I occasionally go back and watch the reactions to So Im a Spider just for a laugh due to his spider reactions!

Brian Carotenuto

Alright, Lee 3 things for you first. You're talking about video games again was wondering if you had a chance to watch that trailer for the one I suggested to you the pirate one I believe it was called skull and bones second. Why are you taking stray shots at my man Zoro I mean, granit he could get lost and end up in a different anime somewhere, but that's still no reason to take stray shots at him. Third episode 11 I don't know if you guys have watched it or not. I don't want to know if you guys watch It or not. But I am personally waiting for the 3 of you to react to it. And that's all I'm gonna say on that and lastly. I hope everyone had a great Christmas and a Happy New Year's.

Brian Carotenuto

It's all good. It's that time of the season. Plus your busy with all the reactions.😁


Ashura Kai are the strongest PVP guild, as in Player vs Player. they arent the strongest in general. Atleast thats how i understood it.


The clown spider shit was hilarious ngl


Oh yeah when you brought up that spoiler shit about the spider I remember now. It was someone on patreon a while back. I swear some people just want to straight up spoil and make an excuse about it in order to do so. I can sometimes excuse a spoiler made by mistake but that dude was straight up spoiling about the spider for no reason at all. Just ruin a great moment but honestly it was pretty funny just seeing you sit there knowing you got spoiled on it and laughing about it. I was wondering what you were laughing so much for and now I understand.


Pencilgon is white bruh. Idk if you guys are colorblind but she isn't the usual lightskinned that you both like. She is white asian lol


I didn't say that. I commented on how you guys will casually say or joke around about liking girls that are darker skin in anime. Not saying you don't like any type of skin. I am just commenting on her color being almost pure white.


You both threw out something about her skin tone at the end so I was confused as to why since she seemed to be basically pure white toned.


Oh. I have preferences like normal, but i like all races of women. I like all types, different shades, i like thick, athletic, tall short. The combinations are exciting A white asian is just fine….I am not colorblind…lol


I guess I just got confused at what you both were saying at the end. I never meant to categorize you only liking one skin tone

John Ng

It's not safe to eat and watch this episode. I almost accidentally choked on my food laughing when Lee started laughing uncontrollably 😂 I knew Lee and Director will appreciate the details about Pencilgon at the end. Baddie? Checked Model? Checked Long leg? Checked Hourglass body? Checked 24 years old? DOUBLE CHECKED 🤣

Xsardes (edited)

Comment edits

2024-01-03 12:14:52 Wait 4:30-ish Conquerors Blade? Deam this game was AWESOME! I'm supriced anyone else knows it exists tho
2024-01-03 12:14:47 Wait 4:30-ish Conquerors Blade? Deam this game was AWESOME! (for like 2 weeks, then I got bored and moved on xD) I'm supriced anyone else knows it exists tho

Wait 4:30-ish Conquerors Blade? Deam this game was AWESOME! (for like 2 weeks, then I got bored and moved on xD) I'm supriced anyone else knows it exists tho

Sharles Davis Kendy

Adorkable just jamming every time the OP starts is one of my favorite bits in this reaction series.


some quests I like the vibes and doing it so much I never want to end it, but sometimes I rather just want something in return


Bro, Lee losing it at 19:00 for almost no reason was hilarious. Just the, anitici...pation of what director would be going through was enough.