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Jared Williams

This show is peak bro can’t argue with facts

Su ru

Anna has a sick and twisted version of love.


When they say, "Oh no, Oh God, Oh No!" this episode should be first on the list.


anna thinks obscenities are bad. but they dont teach what those bad obscene things are really just that its all bad. anna is madly in love and blind and twisting her own ideals so that she says " if we do all this obscene stuff out of love its pure" enter best yandere girl in anime shes finally here. so basically to her fucking okoumas brains out is perfectly valid because its love and love is not obscene. shes absolutely twisted man


Today I watched a grown women try to bag a little ass boy and another woman bust into someone house and turn him into the Christmas ham

Crowne Pri

I think Anna's like that coz that's how he sees her, so she thinks if she keeps being even more pure (in a twisted way) he'll love her more ....so technically he made her like this lol. On top of what everyone else said


Happy new year Lee, Adorkable, and Director Nasty

Daniel Turner

anna's feet for next background?

R'ja Norr

24:40 That was the first time in my long time of watching Lee that I have ever heard him say "get those feet out of the way". So Lee is picky about the kind of feet he likes. XD


This show is more wild then I remember Lol


Funny how them showing nipples is the least dirty thing in that scene.

Alan Uribe

"YO, she lit up the entire block" LOL Happy new years yall!


You guys are gonna have a wild ass ride with this one. I remember from years ago one specific scene that I just don't think I will ever forget.


I wish I had a dommy mommy like that


this show is the truest goated show ever its so sad well never get a s2 because annas va passed away may she rest in peace


The director froze up there for like a whole minute lol

Black Hawk

She got that magical pu$$y 😂


Everyone, find yourself an Anna! Just make sure you blow her back out constantly! :D


Happy New Year! Perfect ep to end the year off on lol


Lee: "You gotta look at yourself 5 years from now, were you at peace with what you said" 😂 Lee's trying not to get canceled in 2028 :P

Julian Fernando

Yoooo I just realised this is the 1st time I watch the uncensored version! This is WIIIIILD!!!!

John Ng

Anna is THE horny yandere girl everyone who loves a yandere wishes they get. Me included 😎 Get ready for more Anna greatness 😘

Neo Don

This is why I thought this gem was sealed up too well. It killed me when she said “ Keep going no matter what”


Haha, been waiting your faces when you finally get to see real Anna in this show :D


I would actually say that be careful your own back won't get blown out with that kind of type.

Casper Ghost

Fun fact: the critter Fuwa gives Okuma is an eel and fitting with her theme their reproductive and growth cycles were a complete mystery when Shimoneta was released (2015) and we only know a tiny bit more nowadays.


Another Japanese Blessing on this Wonderful World. 🫡 I thank the hardworking people who made this a reality.

Eli Gamarra

This show is actually one of the craziest ecchi shows I have ever seen