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wow shouting out john instead of me i cant believe i pay fifteen dollars a month for this disrespect. i feel like coping. worthless

AlmaWade 1979

Just found out a fun fact: the narrator is is Perv Asshat's VA. Idk why I didn't connect how similar they sound sooner.

AlmaWade 1979

And another one is Saotome's VA also does Beatrice in Re:Zero, forgot about it until she spoke in this ep. Kinda funny that they have a similar attitude.


funny stuff

Kevin Baker

Re: the pool - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hanazono_Room

John Ng

Now, now Bois, play nice. No cursing you fucking degenerates 😈

Alan Uribe

The escalation at the end lol.


You know how many John's are on this planet? What he should of done is put "John Ng" so we would know exactly which John it was.


How many re zero voice actors are in this series? I swear the MC in this is voiced by the one who does subaru. The short loli girl sounds slightly similar to beatrice. I just feel like I hear random re zero voices in this series lol

John Ng

Lee loves all the John in this world. Including the johns in toilet 😁


I love seeing this kind of “switch” whether it’s someone “really good becoming really bad” or in this case someone “pure to dirty”


Stay strong Lee these shawty's wil try to peg you at any cost DONT GIVE IN!! 😂😂


Without actually checking are these 2 (MC & Chibi girl) Subaru & Beatrice VA's? Beatrice VA I am 100% got correct, Subaru I feel like 90% correct.

Lock G.G.

Beako va is Otome, and Subaru va is Tanukichi. you are correct.