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Randy Cooper

Gotta go watch itvreal quick and then I'll be back. Been watching the old Gurren Lagann reactions. 🔥

LightMyPath Star

🤣🤣🤣🤣 I saw episode 3 and I was like “Damn this week is flying how did I missed episode 2.” Jesus I’m overworked and stress. I will watch this gem tomorrow Ty for posting!

Bran Bran

If you guys think you are stressed now just keep your portable blood pressure cuffs on stand by. This show will test your emotional intelligence and have you wanting to swing on someone like Tre was air swinging on Boyz In The Hood.

Tim Matumona

seeing how you stressed with this one interraction at the end....yeeeah, this is going to be a fun ride !!

Heavenly Demonic Emperor

Bet the wife drugged his dad bro and she's from the "church" school of selling them rocks bro bet


And that’s not the actor from Itaewon Class😂


You know what I’m not even gon say nun to that assumption 🤣🤣


Holy shit that atom bomb they dropped with Gicheul being love interest to his wife and him getting found with her. Fully agree this was supposed to be like episode 7 situation. Btw his wife asking about his suit and who was buying those behind her back, is one of the signs your woman asking questions like that suddenly is indication that she herself is doing something fishy behind your back.