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Was the Abberent Wood Mage's name Quest? Cuz that's some brutal Quest chains. XD


That Woodmage would have been hell for someone who wasn't as fast as Sunraku lol Imagine a Tank or a Mage trying to fight that!


Running theory for now. The Woodmage IS a raidboss, and 5min in Enrage timer, and killing a raid bos, solo, this uderlvled is straight up impossible so the quest is just to survive as long as it would be possible in real fight...btw it's aslo a good learning tool for insanely hard bosses. If your raid struggles to survive, and there is no DPS checks during fight other than kill boss before he enrages, just do an attempt where you litteraly don't do any damage and focus only on surviving. (for those unfamiliar with WoW, or other simular MMOs, enrage timer is basicly if you don't kill the boss by X min of the fight, he goes nuts and kills everyone. When devs are lazy it's just +bilion% damage done, and oneshotting everyone one by one, when devs have some creative idea it's some creative-ish ability that is just unavoidable, and will kill everyone...and spamming the fireballs in the rate of a gatling gun looks like something that will kill anyone in the matter of seconds)

John Ng

Good theory there, however it’s not correct in this case. Woodmage doesn’t goes berserk due to time settings. He enraged because Sunraku kicked his physical immunity wand away. If he doesn’t hold it and Sunraku does a physical attack on him, he WILL take damage. That’s why he goes berserk afterwards. Proof will be Aniki final attacks also threw his wand away then landed the physical attack. He also explained to Sunraku that part in a blink-and-you’ll-miss line.


It's funny seeing y'all guessing monster level. Feels like a game of price is right lol.