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I love you. Merry Xmas

AlmaWade 1979

Never have I been happier to be subbed to yall than rn, this show is great

Lord Precht

AW SHIT LFG!!!!!!!!!

Black Hawk

Omg this show 😂 awesome


Shimoneta? HELL YEAH!!!!!

J Man

Ah, y'all should do the dub (because Japanese jokes don't translate completely)


Let's gooooo

Trace 124

his name is lee Gad dammit!!, i love rush hour references man. y'all gotta do it

Adam Gleaton

lets get this lovvve juuiiiiice



pied piper

This one of the series, like Highschool DxD where I would beg you to watch the dub, if not on patreon then on your own time. Especially since this came out around the era where dubs were, let's just say, "open-minded". Ironic considering it's theme on censorship vs dubs nowadays.


Hal should really react to the dub. The jokes are so much better

J Man

Yeah, it's not that the sub is bad, but the dub is localized better for our humor. Lots more cursing in the dub


Hmm high suspicion that this is one of the shows that Lee just kept hidden for like Christmas breaks :D. Still good to know somebody managed to make you react to this show whenever this happened =)

God Enel

My favorite echii for suree

Casper Ghost

lol I was just about to send you another recommendation for this one.

Casper Ghost

Were you the one to finally convince him? Many thanks I've suggested it a few times but lacked the touch.


This one is goated. Enjoy the wild ride lmaol


Is there a echo or is it just me


HEADS UP LEE! There's an ECHO throughout the ANIME.


I think the audio from the TV and the source aren't synced, so it sounds like echo.


This shit is jokes can’t believe yall got around to this

selina kyle

Shimoneta hell yeah


Heads up Lee, there's an echo on the anime!

Neo Don

Hold up who told you to watch Shimoneta 😂😂😂😂😂. I thought we hid this gem too well.


Men of culture we gather here today to enjoy another magnificent meal.


LMAO YES, Merry Christmas indeed man 🤣🤣🤣🤣


omg this cant be real lmao


caption sounds like a drug deal

Eli Jones

I love shimoneta but i recommend checking it out in Dub as well as it is hilarious!


Ah, I forgot how much I loved this show. Just putting this out there, at the end of the flies scene, the translation on screen wasn't exactly correct. It was almost correct, though. Functionally correct. The subs on screen read "I'm coming" while the actual Japanese used was "aka-chan dekita", which is more literally translated as "make a baby". So, same idea, but definitely a more direct verbiage. 27:43


heres a hilarious explenation of what it means when blue tundra puts her thumb in her fingers when she does that thats not her flipping people off thats her insinuating thats a clit lmao


holy crap this anime....it's been a while

Alan Uribe

Kyle out here revealing the sauce lol.


Im so ready, these reaction will be legendary


Lee, There's an ( ECHO!! ) THROUGHOUT THE VIDEO. 👍🏾

The Law_v1001

I watched this so long ago I forgot about it. I'm glad to see y'all react to it. It's probably one of the most hilarious animes next to gintama


I have been waiting a long ass time for you two to do this series. Its one of the best degen anime out there


I don't really care enough to push trying to get certain anime reactions. If its brought up I may throw something out onto patreon but I just tend to be happy whenever it happens. You guys tend to hit most of the anime that I like every season so it isn't ever a big deal to me. I have been a patreon for like 3-4 years now? Maybe? I just figure it will eventually happen as long as you guys are putting reactions out. Nice knowing that I have other people pushing stuff that have a similar mindset about anime stuff. You guys have people that give you good recommendations. Some reactors just go with the most mainstream anime and roll with that which is really annoying when you know that even better anime or stories in general tend to get overlooked sometimes since everyone loves dick riding certain anime and overlooking the good stuff that isn't as popular.


This is the type of series where I think its better in dub. The dub pushes more of the comedy. Like how I prefer highschool dxd in the dub opposed to the sub. Its got better comedy and more our type of comedy

TheGooney GamerBoy


Kazuma Sato

Good choice. this is a classic