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Kevin Baker

Would love a reaction the Mobile Suit Gundam Thunderbolt: December Sky movie. Fantastic art, music, and characters that you love on both sides. Also would be a short time investment overall.


if you noticed they both have wedding rings on


This show had a great mix of everything. And they stuck the landing. They got me with suletta too man, @18:54. Glad she ended up happy and peep them wedding rings

dani oz

o7 to the homie Shaddiq


She not in prison cuz gobmint ain't gonna wanna waste money on caring for her ass, do you have any idea how much more extra it will cost to have a fucking paralyzed nigga in prison, especially since it's essentially full body paralysis more or less?


Good reaction. I’m not gonna get on Director at the end. He gets a free pass this time but I’m watching him.

Sharles Davis Kendy

I love the full circle. First episode sorta starts with Suletta finding Miorine floating alone in space...

Sharles Davis Kendy

Random detail you all missed: The chubby guy who shows up halfway through the show and helps the team as a pilot here and there? His name is Kenanji and he was in the Prologue using a badass mobile suit that could turn off GUND Format and killed Eri's dad. I was honestly SHOCKED this man survived the events of this show.