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3:40 director had it exactly. it's resonating with the protag. other times it's cause it gives perspective. like "oh my life isn't that bad" so it's kind of like a reality check sometimes. other times it's also just appreciating the realism in the art. for me personally, i sobbed my eyes out watching some sad endings and still saw the beauty in it and appreciated the rawness in those endings.


Not exactly my favorite gundam, I perfer 00 or seed better but overall this is a solid gundam.

Daniel Gonzalez

Have you seen the trailer for the Seed movie? it looks amazing personally I think my favorite is IBO because Mika was kinda what I'd been wanting in a Gundam main pilot. I think Suletta is a great MC and I'm actually a follower of Jesus Yamato I was working my way through the series from the OG but then kinda got burnt out right at the beginning of Victory and thought about maybe reviewing it just because I feel like people sleep on mecha shows for no reason and I want to spread the word, also Fuck HG where's my Macross?


I've loved rewatching this show with ya'll! It's heavy but so good

Sharles Davis Kendy

So my understanding of Calibarn is that to do this you would normally need a Perment Score of like 8+ which is basically suicide. But Calibarn is built different. Calibarn doesn't have ANY protection for the pilot. At all. So Permet Score 1 in Calibarn hurts more than Perment Score 1 anywhere else... BUT, it also outputs MORE than anybody. So with a Score of 1 it can do what other Gundams would need like a 2 to do. So Suletta is running Permet Score 5, which nobody in the show has ever even tried to run (most people die at 4), but because it's Calibarn it works as if she was above 8. I do like that our girl started the show piloting the super Gundam that hurts the pilot the least, and ended the show piloting the super Gundam that hurts the pilot the most. She had to put her body and soul on the line here to save her mom and sisters.