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Randy Cooper

Guess I need to finally start season 3. All the Kisagi love in all the thumbnails lately have me intrigued. 🤔

Lorena Frazer

Kisaki is really good at shooting people who aren't standing right in front of him. Took Emma out from the back of a bike. Got Kiyomasa, Kazutora, and Akkun to do all the dirty work with Draken, Baji and Hina. Now he's literally shooting Kakucho when his back is turned to him. Put him head to head with even someone as non-threatening as Takemichi, the man has a panic attack. Honestly, I wish Hina just walked over and decked him. No one has more of a right to do so, and we all know he couldn't handle that situation. He might just start crying. Loved you guys' reaction. Can't wait for next week's. Cheers!