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  • Reincarnated As A Sword 245
  • Bungo Stray dogs 268
  • Toradora! 395
  • 2023-12-12
  • 908 votes
{'title': 'Anime Poll FINAL BATTLE', 'choices': [{'text': ' Reincarnated As A Sword', 'votes': 245}, {'text': ' Bungo Stray dogs', 'votes': 268}, {'text': 'Toradora!', 'votes': 395}], 'closes_at': None, 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2023, 12, 12, 14, 4, 18, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 908}


as stated i would cast an additional poll if something had less than 51% of votes. So I can make sure I'm getting the show that covers the widest demographic of people.  These polls are stressful because you can't please everyone...but the effort is there.

I read some folks not happy with the last poll...but what do you have as a better option lol..

those are generally the most commonly recommended shows that people watch content for outside the most popular shows we already cover.

Unless folks trying to push classics like Samurai Champoo or Hajime no Ippo which I'm not trying to jump into at this moment.  I do believe Toradora is older....but that's fine for the category it's in.


Yaboy Squiby

If trio, I’d go for Toradora. Solid older slice of life. I haven’t seen sword but bungo is nice

Crowne Pri

I've seen only one out of these, but whatever show loses keep it in mind for a slow season, the fans seem chill. I like Sword's story, nothing tooo innovative, but they make some smart writing choices

Stone Brown

Kingdom lol some how missed this and I will always say kingdom on these