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Just for reference, they use the 24 hour clock in SK so when 12:01 hit is was pm not am ~ but you probably already know now the plan they set into motion 😉


Also I need to know you guys know that the blindness is not caused by the ghost. Professor Gangmo found out he was going blind before he had the ghost. Its the reason he decided to seek out the posession, because he was losing his sight. The ghost granted him his sight in exchange for possession.


What you’re saying matches with the show says. I tend to have my own theories or ideas


I understand that, I'm just asking if you guys realized that factually that theory is debunked via the evidence when they showed him getting diagnosed prior to ever having had the ghost lol cause it keeps getting said that the ghost is causing the blindness when it's not her fault lol why would she blind her host, she also needs to be able to see


Ohhh. I see we have different thoughts. I respect your point of view. I am sorry about that

dani oz

I mean if a detective would come to my house, ask me weird questions about my child and then asks if my child is ok, I would run across the world to find them not caring about anything else. Especially when said child seems to be hiding things and not picking up my calls recently.