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undead unluck ep 10 uncut

Watch "undead unluck ep 10 uncut" on Streamable.



immovable object meets and unstoppable force is the phrase

mitch anderson

UMA is actually Unidentified Mysterious Animals lol. In the case of this show "Animal" is used loosely. It is usually used to refer to stuff like Unicorns, Big Foot, Lochness Monster etc.

Alan Uribe

The theory crafting is wild!


It has not been said in the anime what an UMA is yet. I heard it is mentioned later. Don't spoil yourselves.


Sorry. Its been commented a lot. I thought the acronym is supposed to be common knowledge like UFO. Sorry they already commented a lot the first time it was said here on patreon


In episode 8 I remember Victhor/Victor was asking Shen what day of the week it was and Shen said what is that. Then in this episode if the creation of UMA Galaxy also added days of the week to the world how did Victor know about the days of the week before this happened. I got no theories though just stating something interesting that I noticed.


What if one of the rewards was taking off the amount of penalties we accrued so maybe it's been up to 99 before? 🤔


I had a feeling when she added the stars next to the moon in the painting and talked about it being lonely, but didn't have a name for them, that something truly trippy was going on in this world.


I've noticed more than one weirdness watching along like that, like the stars in the painting by the moon at lake baikal.