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Watch "LOVE, CHUNBIYO AND DELUSIONS ep 12 uncut" on Streamable.



Solid 4.3/10 first season

Randy Cooper

Really? 4.3 for me too. 4.3/5. 😉 Sorry you didn't enjoy it more. It's one of my favorite anime romcom.

Randy Cooper

Such a great episode. Well, if Rikka in tears crying for her Papa don't get Lee choked up I don't know what else will. Ngl, This episode/reaction got me a little. 😢😂

Lazzie Boi

We got to see Yuta's domain expansion .😂😂


I said it last ep, but what the hell is wrong with her family. Zero consideration for Rikka's feeling, "Yeah Rikka I know you like it living here in the city, where all your friends are + your bf (idk if she knows), but no fk your feeling go live with your grandparents". Also idk if Im trippin but I didn't see the mom there. So let me get this straight - she came for a week, forced Rikka into doing what SHE wanted and then left her to her grandparents, fk mom no wonder Rikka doesn't like her


reminder i hope you watch the ova before watching s2 cuz its important to s2 and to the movie cuz of what happens in it. s1 was great seeing your guys reaction and discussion abt chuni and it gives you guys great perspective so youre ready for other shows now that you have chuni knowledge


Appreciate. We are generally ahead of you if you’re watching a series that isnt weekly. You can assume we 2-4 videos ahead dodging spoilers when possible. We tend to binge a show when its good and spread it out for variety on the channel but we don’t actually bounce back and forth


just wanted yall to know cuz if i remember itll be brought up in s2 and especially the movie and if you didnt watch it itll for sure catch you off guard. its cool if you decide not to watch it later just letting you know. excited for yalls reaction to s2 and the movie


definitely a great ride . Looking forward to next reaction of older shows like this (i'd recommend Golden time or Sakurasou)

R'ja Norr

And if you think about it, mom also left Rikka to her big sister while Rikka was still processing her fathers death and even before she became chuni.

Daniel Gonzalez

Dark Flame Master was a real one he knew his power was weakening and sent his future self a warning I do love this show glad they resolved it at the end

Anthony Nguyen

4:30 Grave visits are very serious business in Asian culture. I'm Vietnamese, not Japanese, but it looks like most of the time they follow the same Buddhist tradition. Not participating in it would be seen as extremely disrespectful, in the Christian context, something like proclaiming blasphemy against God. There's more ritual and remembrance on the day someone died compared to someone's birthday. 6:00 "I get it, it's for momma" - I think generally that Director has the right idea about this. Even if Rikka isn't ready to see her dad, it goes both ways. If Rikka is keeping her distance from her dad, and that might be making him lonely too because he misses her.