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Watch "LOVE, CHUNBIYO AND DELUSIONS ep 1 1 uncut" on Streamable.



This episode is horrendous to get through. Honestly, one of the most uncomfortable anime episodes I’ve seen.


Bruh this brings me back to that famous voice acting scene by Saori Hayami in the anime "Supernatural Powers are Commonplace" where Hanako roasted the ever living shit out of the chuuni mc. Had Yuta pulled something similar...it would've been KO for Dekomori. For those that wanna see one of the best voice acting in anime (in an otherwise mediocre slice of life anime) and also how to kill a chuuni here's the link: https://youtu.be/iNPK6DzQCzY?si=wKj-8XHmsLD7mQqr

Daniel Gonzalez

Wtf why was that shit so emotional all the scenes with Dekomori were just the worst in the feels

R'ja Norr

Dekomori of the rebellion. Personally I believe that Dekomori is aware of the difference between Chuni and reality, but that is her connection to Rikka her bestie (I also think she just wants to have fun in life).


IN CASE you have not heard, Rascal Does Not Dream of a Sister Venturing Out movie is out

John Ng

This episode was one of the main reason I will always watch sub than dub. The raw emotions coming from Dekomori's VA is so powerful. I can feel her pain and suffering and regrets all in just one scene. I have yet to find a dub that makes me feels the same in sub.

John Ng

As grown adults, we all know what was right and what's wrong with everything Yuuta was doing. But from his pov, there's nothing wrong. No one taught him how to react. Just like Rikka, the grown ups throw all the responsibilities to the both them and forces them to face it and grow from there. So Yuuta using what he knows at that point of his life to react is not his fault. Everyone of us reacts like him at a certain point of our life. We know what he did is cringe now because we have been through it already. I know Lee and gangs didn't bash him. Just saying what was on my mind 🙂

Lazzie Boi

My mans is just a kid. Quit giving him all of this responsibility 😭😭


I never re-watched this show cause I had some faint memories about how uncomfortable some eps were, glad Im re-watching it with you. Also Rikka's sister is a baddie, but she is the worst for making Yuta deal with all this, not to mention the mother coming back after what 4-5y and now Rikka has to make HER feel better. I have a lot more to say, but her family really is something, no wonder she misses her father so much


I dont see anythin "wrong" per se with Yuta was doing. It was simply too early and forced. His idea is correct, eventually reality is something you need to accept. However Rikka and co are still hella young so it was simply too soon. And yeah the adults should be handling this. But because he used to be the same, hes able to understand better than the adults. So he felt like he had the responsibility to do so. Probably almost like scolding his old persona like looking into a mirror. Idk, to me the answer is to wait another year or two and ease Rikka back into reality. She dont gotta change but understand its limits and how "normal" is so at least she can pretend when its needed. Cuz aint no way she functions in society without Yuta if she continues this track pace. Theres always a middle ground to be found. She just needs time and guidance to find it

Daniel Gonzalez

That scene left me speechless I actually liked the MC and thought the show was starting to get more interesting right when it ended think there might be LNs


Being a chuuni and acting out your fantasies is all well good for Rikka (especially since she's so young) but she's gotta grow up at some point and as was pointed out in the episode itself, she was acting for so long that it affected her social skills and how she interacts with other people in reality and when it gets to that point, you gotta put a stop to it.

Marquise Mcbride

Then put a stop to it, don’t ask a fucking kid to do it. I don’t care how much influence that KID has over here.

Marquise Mcbride

Why are y’all judging him for not being perfect and mature, when all you’ve been arguing this whole time is that she’s young enough to be immature. Well so is he, this responsibility should’ve never been put on him no matter how much influence he has over her, expecting so much out of another kid is unreasonable. It has nothing to do with him projecting himself and his beliefs onto her, it’s obvious that he doesn’t agree with anything he’s saying or doing. He stood up for her once, and it broke her heart when she find out her house was gone, then he got emotionally manipulated into thinking standing up for her is “irresponsible” by her sister. He didn’t snap on anyone, he’s tryna play hero the best way a kid his age can, with straight forward reasoning.


Her mom is absolutely despicable. She disgusts me so much. First, you abandon your child. Then, you come back years later demanding your child to act the way you want? Like get fucked. Go crawl into the grave with your husband.