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The Apothecary Diaries ep 9 uncut

Watch "The Apothecary Diaries ep 9 uncut" on Streamable.


R'ja Norr

Fun fact: MaoMao's name is spelled with the Chinese kanji for cat-cat.


wow this episode was dark, with a small hit of reality

John Ng

Tbh, when I first watched this episode myself, the lamentation of Maomao about life didn’t hit me. I was thinking, “Damn… the studio is using past clips to save money and time to do a small recap within the episode.” 😂 I was even slightly disappointed that the studio did this 😝 It wasn’t until I rewatched this reaction that I realised that was how the scene was supposed to tell me.

Casper Ghost

I only just realized that in the intro Maomao is wearing the poisonous face powder only in the lip lick scene and we've only seen the lip lick in the show when she ate the poisoned soup.

Casper Ghost

powdered organs and even mummies were a common medical ingredient until the mid 1800's.

Random Guy

I don't think there's really any need for human poison testers in this day and age. I'm pretty sure they have chemical detection kits where you just swab cotton buds and then have it come in contact with certain chemicals that changes colors when it detects poison. There is a even a company called undercover colors who is making a nail polish that changes colors when it comes into contact with date rape drugs. So you when some stranger offers you drinks, you can dip your nail and voila! instant poison tester.


Just a personal guess, MaoMao's "father" is pretty much too highly educated to live where they lived. So my speculation has been that Maomao is highborn concubine's daughter and her "father" who isn't her blood father took her to safety, for what reason can only guess. He was most likely the original doctor in that concubine palace and when he left it got replaced by this quack doctor, no other reason why there is such a bad doctor. She thinks she is commoner, but she really isn't as commoner as she thinks. Oh well time will tell if my guessing is correct =)


hence the cat ears ^-^ it's also an onomatopoeia for the sound a cat makes~


I agree and support this theory, the more the episodes go on


The change is emotions in this anime is so real sometimes. Like laughing or being stupid one moment and then pain and suffering the next. 🤔