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Watch "LOVE, CHUNBIYO AND DELUSIONS ep 10 uncut" on Streamable.



Jesus Yuuta's 3 piece combo really went wild there

tracee miasco

now I know why i dont remember the term "wicked lord shingan". Its because in the website i watched, its translated as "tyrant's eye". It refers to the eyes of rikka like its some sort of power. Idk why HiDive chose to translate it as wicked lord shingan like wtf does that supposed to mean. imma just copy paste what i found on the chuunibyo wiki "Her Magical Girl alter ego is Jaou Shingan (邪王真眼). This is sometimes translated as a title, "The Eye of the Wicked Lord" (used in the dub), and other times as a proper name, "Wicked Lord Shingan" (used in the subtitles). An earlier fansub used "Tyrant's Eye" as the translation, referring to her yellow eye itself, with Rikka being known as Wielder of the Tyrant's Eye. A literal translation of "Jaou Shingan" is "True Eye of the Evil King" (邪 ja "evil", 王 ou "king", 真 shin "true", and 眼 gan "eye")." So like Hidive chose to translate first half of the phrase then not the latter and i dont understand why they did that.

tracee miasco

i hope you guys watch the fansub and then when posting the video, use the official one from hidive cuz the fansub is just easier to understand and chooses better words like for example, at the end, Rikka's sister would say that rikka is singing a song that their father likes. In the fansub, it their father's favourite song.


I wanna say the reason I think Yuka sort of felt the weight of responsibility was because he could feel the weight of Rikka's mom's love and immediately felt guilty for behaving "immaturely". I think it was sort of a manipulative act on mom's part to put pressure on this kid and show up unannounced after having not seen her very traumatized child in years...it was thoughtless and definitely the actions of a parent who can't relate to their child. I don't really blame him for snapping either because he's also a child who has "gotten over" is affliction, so to speak, so maybe he thought if he just hit her with a quick hard dose of reality he wouldn't have to feel so guilty about not trying to do what was asked of him. I only put this together because of how he talked about the bento being full to the brim and warm and he said it was filled with reality but it's dual meaning or what he omitted was the reality that her mother just wants to take care of her and become closer to her and this is the best way she knows how.


Lee a reminder the ova is very important to watch before season 2. And after s2 there’s the movie that finishes of the story

Daniel Gonzalez

Man I remember Yutas used to be the man back in the day pretty sure there was another anime around the time that also had a Yuta main forget the name but I really liked this anime back then and look forward to the reactions question to everyone here tho has anyone seen Hentai Prince and the Stony Cat?


ohhh makes sense, i was wondering what the meaning of the bento was