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Eminence in Shadow Season 2 episode 9 uncut

Watch "Eminence in Shadow Season 2 episode 9 uncut" on Streamable.



Shadow going to slap some cheeks for not going with the tyrant queen route.


Btw, the prison arc and the volunteer army arc are web-novel only, not even light novel or manga, but shout out to the director for including them, I had a lot of fun reading those recently.


That prison and army volunteer arc could've been some fire ngl


559/Victoria is a yandere because of her backstory (IDK if anime adapts it since it's not in the canon source material, it's WN & Eminence in Shadow gacha mobile game exclusive story, since it happened between the 2 year timeskip so like S1E2-4 or w/e the timeskip for Cid happened before he was 15 etc) as a Saint of the Divine Teachings (so basically the most dominant religion in the world as cultivated by the Cult to cover up a ton of shit, as well as manipulate the overall population since a ton of the Hero descendant guinea pig bloodlines are intermixed w/ the normie populations), so I suppose her inborn religious zealotry fused w/ yandere nutshit traits after Shadow cured her from Possession during said timeskip


Cid for sure has ADHD cause he loses focus so much when anyone is talking to him and he is supposed to or should be listening. I mean that's any of us sometimes though so i can relate! 😅 I am surprised ya'll didn't say nothin about Cid's cheeks smoking after he got bodied. I had to rewind and go back and see if it made any sense! 🤨

Mufid Lassissi

Im on team 559 . Follow the damn orders . Rose dint be following orders. She wasn’t forced to join.


I like the earrings. Are they supposed to be something specific?


video unavailable Edit: it's back


Definitely do not like this new bitch. ( I don't normally say bitch but that is legit what she is coming off as ) She gives me red head big sister vibes. I think her name was Eris? Offbrand eris from mushoku tensei. The one who shadow clapped up at the end of season 1. She think she better than anyone else and has the right to decide things on her own. I hope she gets her ass sat down at some point.

40 luck

Shadow doesn't want to kill Rose when she becomes queen. He wants to help her kill her enemies (the heroes) when they come for her 😆. He thinks she's just power hungry.

Luiz Neckel

I'm with 559, Shadow Garden is basically an army but it's even worse when it comes to hierarchy and if you do what Rose did it's over for you.

Jazzy Jinx

Cid, being the genuine psycho that he is, is the worst type to be an object of affection for a yandere like 559. He doesn't care at all if she kills or causes destruction or any of that. He would just keep enabling her. xD

Mufid Lassissi

People supporting rose over 559 love nepotism. Can you imagine any other shad garden member acting how she does. Y’all hate on Sam from cobra Kai but has rose. Same type of character .spoilt. It’s funny that they think CID would be against 559 .she speaks his language


I see you on the Sam Cobra kai memory lane and I have nothing but respect for how you feel about characters and our opinions. Please let me know if we should dial down some opinions or anything. I don’t want to bother anyone

Mufid Lassissi

Nah keep talking I want more opinions. Did my comment come off as rude? I guess typing doenst convey the playfulness . But I just love the arguments

Ethan Carson

Im on 559 with this case. Its similar to what Sebas did in overlord and people were hating on slime girl(forgot her name). Rose is way too trigger happy and as a result got captured by the enemy because she did something stupid.

Mufid Lassissi

😂 oh nah it’s playfulness , I don’t like Sam for cobra Kai either . I need toxic lee to support the toxic characters. Get the red beanie man


Ohhhh lmao. Rose toxic too. She don’t listen lmao and i liked her first. Shes the person that got me invested in season 1. Long standing loyalty hahah

Mufid Lassissi

Ohh you know what you right she lowkey toxic. 😂 loyaltyyy?!!!! Lmao I watched the Qunitessential quintuplets reactions my guy you were folding 😂


Lmaoooo ok ok. But Rose toxic too lmaoooo. Killed pops, disobey ing orders, yelling at alpha 🥰


maybe people like rose because she is less of a bitch compared to the entire bitch called 559


Are you joking? The entire reason why the plan failed in the first place is because 559 decided to act instead of report back on the situation. On top of that instead of going straight forward to the obvious enemies that can do damage she decides to purposely go for her mother. Or did you conveniently forget that the entire point of their original mission was to scout out the situation?


Oh and did you also miss out on the entire chunk of the episode where they almost lost because 559 decided to take the initiative and attack them? If shadow wasn't there to power and heal them back up she was clearly going to die. You can't blame that loss on Rose. Majority of the entire situation at hand is because of 559 being arrogant and stupid. I think it was pretty obvious she knew what would happen once she attacked the mother of Rose. She was jealous of her on the spot because Rose received special treatment compared besides the main 7 girls it was only her that had that. Its called jealousy and bullying a newby and trying to get rid of them because 559 doesn't feel special anymore.


clearly didn't understand the episode at all lol

The Law_v1001

It's the system though. The seven shadows are followed and admired because they was granted power from shadow and are considered the closest to him. So if you're if you was given that same "" honor. Then most would think they was above the rest too.

The Law_v1001

Funny thing is. Thinking about it. Delta took out juggaja so only the kitsuna lady is in power in the lawless city. So now if rose becomes queen then shadow garden has 2 leaders of areas in their control.


Gonna be with 559 on this one, rose couldn't keep her feelings in check, understandable it was her mother who was about to get killed but seeing the end result basically says rose surrendered to the enemy leaving the other 3 to fight for themselves which would've resulted in their deaths if shadow didn't show up. There seems to be more than whats being known especially with 559 saying "you don't need to know"


yooo Cid is really one crazy dude lmao


Serious question, did you think Shadow Garden is ever going to find out that Cid/Shadow has no idea what’s going on or are they going to win the war with Cid/Shadow having no idea that there was a war going on?


Nah Lee, I need you to play two sides on this one lol. I know you won't give up on Rose, but 559 was right in this one, since Rose surrendered to the enemy and left the other 3 to fight for themselves.


Amazing episode, finally back to the roots of confused with Cid.


Cid is all knowing all mighty god to the shadow garden


It's not necessarily ADHD. He just doesgive a fuck about what they are saying.


Nah what were you watching. He wants to betray and defeat her after helping her become a tyrant


I keep wondering about this same question for Overlord