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Watch "LOVE, CHUNBIYO AND DELUSIONS ep 9 uncut" on Streamable.


Daniel Gonzalez

I literally just checked patron low-key hoping for this knew you'd deliver


Sister proving why shes planetary. That backflip and roll were too much.


13:53 A lot of people seem to misunderstand this scene, so I don't blame you guys for this. What happened is, she said her incantation to "enter" her delusions. Usually, after she says "Banishment, this world" she would shoot light out of her eye and an epic battle scene would start. Instead, nothing happened, so she is confused about this. That's why she looks around. I do wonder if there is something about how this scene is directed. Maybe they could've started the transformation scene and immediately make it fail. That would make it more obvious, I think.

John Ng

This is the episode that made me falls in love with this series. Previous episodes were just nice, but this episode elevated it for me when I first watched it. That last moment when Rikka was hugging Yuuta so tight and calling him name over and over, I felt her bottled love for him exploded during that scene. The 360 degree panning of the camera also helps. I have no idea I have rewatched that scene how many times since I first watched it.


lol me in your dm telling you that you got Morisummer all wrong and called her an evil yandere and totally misnudged her lol she's literally a priestess of love hahah 😂 so glad you finally realized


Masterful gaslighting by Adorkable at 4:01 🤣 made Lee think he’s talking to himself


I am glad for you. She literally spoke and I circled back lmaoooo and she denied it lmao. I was trying to be considerate lmaoooo


adorkable curious how rikka and togashis story will progress well adorkable we have an ova and season 2 and then a movie to continue the groups story and we see how rikkas and togashis relationship moves? (the anime will reveal) forward


Happens to me with certain people in my life so it was extra funny lmaoo

rune kongstad larsen

i am commenting before watching because a KNOW!!! it will be a banger

rune kongstad larsen

i have now watched the reaction... AND I WAS RIGHT IT WAS A BANGER!!!. :D


22:20 i gotta admit, i did not expect Director to start laughing as she slowly slid to her doom xD And Holy shit i forgot how adorablr this whole thing was. Great choice reacting to this one


Watashi wa ..... Watashi wa .... BANKAI! hahaha Lee too much sometime hahaha


Lmao. one of my ringtones for month was the homie saying watashi wa bankai or something like that so its the only thing i think ofnlol


At part 22:59 I just had to replay it a few times, that moment when rikka slides down into a hug was just so cute and touching.