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On Sunday I unexpectedly completed a reaction and needed something quick to add. We added the Godzilla show as it was fresh on my mind from the chat and I confirmed it had a decent reception on YouTube

This is available on mobile devices and I recommend people add it.

People are going to use this as an opportunity to suggest shows but I’m not checking the comments for a suggestions I am recommending we interact on the app because the personal connections are deeply appreciated it’s how I know you listen

People Spam suggestion and never return to see that I replied and people are not checking each other suggestions

I understand people don’t want to use discord but Patreon has its own chat feature




I don't know what this is all about but I've honestly tried getting into the discord, but i guess I'm an old man now because i can't make heads or tails of that app

Gavin Daniels

Are you ok with receiving recommendations in the important only chat. I wanted to suggest a live action show upcoming but wasn’t quite sure where to post it since it’s not anime or kdrama and I didn’t think it would be ok to send a suggestion in the important questions chat